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10. CLASSES BY ORIGIN.--With respect to their origin, words are divided

into two classes,--primitive words and derivative word 19519k1013t s.

11. A PRIMITIVE word, or root, is one that cannot be reduced to a more

simple form in the language to which it is native: as, _man, good, run_.

12. A DERIVATIVE word is one made up of a root and one or more _formative

elements_: as, man_ly_, good_ness_, run_ner_.

The formative elements are called prefixes and suffixes. (See Sec.Sec. 16, 17.)

13. BY COMPOSITION.--With respect to their composition, words are divided

into two classes,--simple and compound words.

14. A SIMPLE word consists of a single significant term: as, _school,

master, rain, bow_.

15. A COMPOUND word is one made up of two or more simple words united: as,

_school-master, rainbow_.

In some compound words the constituent parts are joined by the hyphen

as _school-master_; in others the parts coalesce and the compound forms

a single (though not a _simple_) word, as _rainbow_.

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