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Expressing wish, capability, intention, preference


Expressing wish, capability, intention, preference


Want + to-infinitive: I want to have a car.

Want + noun / pronoun + to-infinit 555d32f ive: I want him to tell me the truth.

Pronoun / noun + like: I'd like to stay home.

Wish + past perfect: I wish I hadn't done it.

Wish + past tense: I wish I had a car.

Wish + would + infinitive: I wish he would come. = As vrea ca el sa vina.


Can / could; to be able to; to manage

I couldn't manage to fix the car


to be going to: He's going to sell his car.

The present continuous of the verb: Where are you going tonight? / What are you doing tonight?

To intend to: How do you intend to spend this money?

To mean to: How do you mean to spend this money?


to prefer

pronoun + would rather / would sooner

He'd rather stay home. (Mai bine ar sta acasa)

I'd rather he stayed home. (As prefera ca al sa stea acasa)

She'd rather come.

I'd rather she came.

I would prefer him to come. (As prefera ca el sa vina)

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Accesari: 2039
Apreciat: hand-up

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