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Alexander the Great and the Hellenistic Age


Part I

Lecture 1: Greeks and Macedonians

Lecture 2: Alexander the Divine?

Lecture 3: The Blazing Star?

Lecture 4: Alexander-Myth and 636m1221g Reality

Lecture 5: The Formation of the Kingdoms

Lecture 6: Egypt Under the Early Ptolemies

Lecture 7: Alexandria and the Library

Lecture 8: The Seleucid Realm

Lecture 9: Pergamum

Lecture 10: Bactria, the Edge of the Hellenistic World

Lecture 11: Sculpture

Lecture 12: Poetry

Part II

Lecture 13: The Greek Novel

Lecture 14: Stoics, Epicureans, and Skeptics

Lecture 15: Kingship and Legitimacy

Lecture 16: Benefaction

Lecture 17: The Maccabean Revolt, Part I

Lecture 18: The Maccabean Revolt, Part II

Lecture 19: Rulers and Saviors

Lecture 20: Economic Growth and Social Unrest

Lecture 21: The Mood of the Hellenistic Age

Lecture 22: Hellenism and the Western Mediterranean

Lecture 23: The Freedom of the Greeks

Lecture 24: Pax Romana

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