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It was a an beautiful autumn day .Tom and John decided to go in large on the see with their boat for see the see`s beauties. Jerry, their neighborhood accompany them to the sea`s shore.The both were very happy. The  sunset was fascinated. There was a extraordinary landscape

While Tom and John`s boat going very slowly ,the nimbus was blacked and immediately started a violent storm. It was rained very long time. Unfortunately their small boat sank. The both tired to swam, but fortunately the Coast Guard rescued them. The people gave them food and blankets for warm .The Coast Guard .They led the children back to shore. When they arrived again to shore  the both made a fire to warm oneself.

Tom and John were very happy because they were all right and didn`t wounded .The both understood that isn`t good to leave alone on the see because it would be very dangerous .The people were very worried for Tom and John.

In conclusion we didn`t go anywhere without a adult.

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Apreciat: hand-up

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