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Who is the person you admire the most and why?


Who is the person you admire the most and why?

In this world nothing is perfect. I dont't want to chose any person that in this moment I admire because I'm sure that person will soon disappoint me and I will regreat the decision I made today. So, I don't really have a person which I admire the most, but that person would definitely be a true fighter, never give up when circumstances are the hardest, and that makes him or her a survivor and a winner too. The person I admire should have a positive attitude towards life, must be generous and kindness with everyone, he always likes to help someone and doesn't expect return. This person's main characteristic will be her charisma which will win everyone's appreciation and respect. The person who will deserve my admiration must have his own style and unique character. From outside he must look original with a cool haircut, he doesn't wear expensive clothes, but he dresses awesome and very important he musn't have perfect face. This is how the person I admire should be like.

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