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The 10 Minute Belief Change Pattern


Meta-Level "Submodality" Pattern For Changing Limiting Beliefs

The 10 Minute Belief Change Pattern



Do you know of any enhancing & empowering beliefs that you would really like to have running in your mind-and-emotions?

Do you have any limiting beliefs that get in your way?

1) Get a good strong representation of saying "No!" to something. Make sure that the person's "No" looks, sounds, and feels congruent and that it truly fits with the person's beliefs and values. Anchor this resource experience of congruently, firmly, and definitively sayi 22122m1222w ng "No!" to something. Invite the person to stand up and utter the "No!"

2) Get a good strong representation of saying "Yes!" to something. Repeat as in step one, only this time with all of the internal representations and neurology of "Yes!" Once you do, reinforce it by asking about it, and amplifying it so that the person has an intense experience of his or her "Yes!" Anchor with a touch, the way you say "Yes!," where you gesture to, etc.

3) Ask the person to identify the limiting belief that they no longer want to run their programs. Meta-model the limiting belief to assist in deframing it, loosening it up, and preparing for the belief change. Find out how it has not served them well, how it has messed things up, etc. As you notice how they represent the belief, pace its positive intentions.

4) Meta "No!" the limiting belief. As the person accesses the limiting belief fully and have it, invite him or her to go meta to that belief. Then, about that belief, have them utter their strong and powerful "No!" Have the person do it congruently, intensely, and repeatedly.

"And you can keep on saying No! to that limiting belief until you begin to feel that it no longer has any power to run your programs."

"And how many more times and with what voice, tone, gesturing, do you need to totally disconfirm that old belief so that you know --deep inside yourself--that it will no longer run your programs?"

5) Fully elicit from the person an enhancing belief that he or she wants in the head. What specifically will the person think and say in the new belief. Write out the language of it. Get several versions and make sure that the person finds the expression of it compelling

6) Meta "Yes!" the enhancing belief. After the deframing of the old belief, now let the person's mind swish to the content of what to believe. Have the person fully re-access the enhancing belief and then to go meta to it and validate it with a great big Yes! Have them repeat it with intensity and congruency.

7) Complete with future pacing the new empowering belief.

Cinematic Quality of VAK
Representational Systems
The Form & Structure of Thought

Evaluative States/ Processes
Thinking Patterns About Our RS Evaluations
Higher Meanings @ Thought

Conceptual & Semantic States
Higher Level Evaluations

Visual --

Representation System: VAK

__Focus/ Defocused
__Color/Black & White --
__Distance: close or far --
__Foreground/ Background
__2D (flat), 3D (holographic)--
__Speed: fast, slow, normal

Chunk Size: General/Specific
External Referencing


Real, Current
Old, Past



__Volume: loud/soft


Toward/Away From Values
Goal Sort: Optimizing/Perfectionism

Value buying:cost, Time, Convenience
Time Tenses: Past/Present/Dependent/

Convincer/Believability--VAK or Words





MO: Impossibility--Possibility

__Location & Extent


Presenter: Michael Hall, Ph.D, International NLP Trainer, author of numerous NLP works (Spirit of NLP, Meta-States, The Secrets of Magic) has co-authored several works with Bob Bodenhamer (Figuring Out People, Mind-lines, Time-Lining).

L. Michael Hall, Ph.D.

Institute of Neuro-SemanticsT
P.O. Box 9231
Grand Junction
CO. 81501 USA

Document Info

Accesari: 2124
Apreciat: hand-up

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