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Indications are that tremendous numbers of young people from the streets of America--those millions who for reasons of social disintegration, family conflicts, sublimin 21521g611v al entrainment, outright mind manipulation or a combination of these and/or other factors are now filling the streets of American cities and even smaller towns; drifting, homeless and undirected--are being inducted en masse at this period of time and programmed via the technologies perfected at Montauk; computer assisted EM/RF mind control utilizing deliberately caused "multiple personality disorder" syndrome conditions to create thoroughly programmed alternate personalities within targeted subjects. Various combinations of agendas from other projects like Monarch and MK-ULTRA as well as the Montauk Project are being implemented via these operations.

Nearly every major population area in the country has a "Montauk Boys and Girls" project underway at this time. Children programmed through various means (such as having schoolchildren on overnight field trips bunk at "decommissioned" military facilities during which time they are abducted, programmed and returned. Subsequently, triggers and cues embedded in popular mass entertainment (for example, the movie Scream has been cited as inspiring certain of the horrendous, grisly mass murders committed by young adolescents in the U.S. recently) can set these "sleepers" off in predetermined ways.

Parents: more than ever, and in ways you would never have dreamed of, watch out for your children--who they are with, what the influences on them are, where they go, what they are interested in.

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