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Test Paper


Test Paper

I Complete with an adjective ending in "-ed" or "-ing":

1. Classical music is.....

2. Everybody his attitude.

3. Ann found the island..........

4. Are you football?

5. He is the wet weather.

6. He has a very...........job.

II Simple Past or Past Perfect?

1. First the weather (be) fine. Later it (start) to rain. Then we (decide) to go back home.

2. Yesterday Mary (tell) her mother about a beautiful dress she (see) a few hours earlier.

3. The party was a great success. Tom (feel) happier than he (ever, feel) before.

4. Bill (go) to the police station with a purse he (find) on the pavement.

5. Stephen the Great (die) in 1504.

6. She (ask) me about my holidays when we met.

7. (hear) what he said?

III Write three sentences about your arrangements for next week.

IV Write a dialogue giving and accepting an invitation and another one refusing an invitation and giving reasons why.

V Write a "thank you" letter to one of your relatives.

VI Re-phrase the following sentences:

Our house has only six rooms. Theirs has nine rooms!

Our house .............

The weather was sunny last week. It is sunny this week too.

The weather this week .................

VII Put into the passive:

Football ..........all over the world. (play)

T-shirts ..........for their colours. (buy)

Who .....the (chose)

Test Paper

I Complete with an adjective ending in "-ed" or "-ing":

1. The noise was very ..........

2. The film was ...............

3. I'm .............I have nothing to do.

4. He gets very .......when he sees horror films.

5. What a!

6. Mary doesn't like heavy traffic. She thinks it is ......

II Simple Past or Past Perfect?

1. When I (phone) Gerald he (not finish) his homework yet.

2. He (write) to say he (just, buy) a car.

3. I (see) Alice yesterday afternoon. She (tell) me she (just, come) back from her holiday.

4. The telephone (ring) again a few minutes ago. It (ring) several times during the day.

5. By the time we (get) to the cinema the film (already, begin).

6. He (go) to school by bicycle last year.

III Write three sentences about your arrangements for next week.

IV Write a dialogue giving and accepting an invitation and another one refusing an invitation and giving reasons why.

V Write a "thank you" letter to one of your relatives.

VI Re-phrase the following sentences:

1. Kate is very tired. Liz is extremely tired.

Kate is ...............

2. John is very busy. Andrew is very busy as well.

John is .............

VII Put into the passive:

The knife .........for cutting things. (use)

What .......the children .........? (teach)

Football .........all over the world. (play)

Document Info

Accesari: 1985
Apreciat: hand-up

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