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How to install Tildės Biuras 2006 through Active Directory



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How to install Tildės Biuras 2006 through Active Directory

Tildės Biuras 2006 can be installed for all domain's computers through Active Directory using Group Policy.

  • Copy all installation package fr 525p1516f om CD to the network location (Software Distribution Point), share this folder and give read, write permissions to administrators group   and read permission to users, or user groups for which you are planning to distribute this software.
  • Open the file param.ini from this folder, change xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx to Tildės Biuras 2006 registration number and save the file.
  • On your Windows Server open Control Panel/Administrative Tools/Active Directory Users and Computers.
  • Right click on your domain name and from drop-down menu choose Action/New/Organizational Unit and type the name of this OU, for example 'Biuras users OU'.

  • Expand the Computers node and drag those domain computers, for which you are going to deploy Tildes Biuras, under your new OU node.
  • Right click on this node and chose Properties.
  • In Properties dialog click on 'Group Policy' tab. Then on 'New' button and type the name for group policy object, for example 'Biuras install GPO'.

  • Click 'Edit' button, the new console window for this GPO will open.

  • Right click on root node and choose 'Properties', click on 'Security' tab, add user group, which will use this GPO and give them 'Apply Group Policy' permission.
  • Expand your GPO node, click on 'Computer Configuration', 'Software Settings'. Right click on 'Software Installation', chose 'New', 'Package'. Select 'isscript.msi' from 'Open' dialog and click 'Open'. In 'Deploy Software' dialog choose 'Assigned' and click 'OK'.

  • Then add another new package, select 'Tildės Biuras 2006.msi', in 'Deploy Software' dialog choose 'Advanced published or assigned' and click 'OK'. In Properties dialog for the package click the Modification tab. Then click 'Add..' and from file list choose transform file 'TBRsilent.mst' and click 'Open', then click 'OK' to save the installation package.

|| It is strongly recommended on computers with non-lithuanian system language to install Tildės Biuras 2006 with English interface language. To achieve this - in transform list first add the file '1033.mst' and then the file 'TBRsilent.mst'.


Tildės Biuras 2006 will be installed next time the computer starts.

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