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vorbirea indirecta


1) Turn the following COMMANDS into indirect speech.

Positive Imperatives become Positives Infinitives in indirect speech, preceded by a verb such as TELL, ASK, ORDER etc., with the person addres 11111v215l sed.

Situation: Taking a parcel to aunt Emily.

Model:  Mother to Tom: 'Walk to the bus stop.'

Tom (to Jim): Mum told me to walk to the bus stop.

'Take a number 30 tram'

'Buy a ticket.'

'Get off at the third stop.'

'Walk down Victoria Road.'

'Turn right after park.'

'Look for a three storied block-of-flats.'

'Take the lift to the third floor.'

'Ring the bell at flat No.12.'

'Give aunt Emily the parcel.'

1) Turn the following COMMANDS into indirect speech.

Positive Imperatives become Positives Infinitives in indirect speech, preceded by a verb such as TELL, ASK, ORDER etc., with the person addres 11111v215l sed.

Situation: Taking a parcel to aunt Emily.

Model:  Mother to Tom: 'Walk to the bus stop.'

Tom (to Jim): Mum told me to walk to the bus stop.

'Take a number 30 tram'

'Buy a ticket.'

'Get off at the third stop.'

'Walk down Victoria Road.'

'Turn right after park.'

'Look for a three storied block-of-flats.'

'Take the lift to the third floor.'

'Ring the bell at flat No.12.'

'Give aunt Emily the parcel.'

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Accesari: 2812
Apreciat: hand-up

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