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Kanji Lessons - Japanese writing systems


Kanji Lessons

Japanese writing systems

It is said that 50,000 kanji characters exist, though only about 5,000 to 10,000 are commonly used. After W.W.II, the Japanese government designated 1,945 basic characte 242p1523c rs as "Jooyoo Kanji (commonly used kanji)," which are used in textbooks and official writings. In Japan, one learns about 996 basic characters from "Jooyoo Kanji," in elementary school. A lot of time is spent at school to learn kanji.

Each kanji character has at least two readings. One is the "on" (Chinese derived) reading, and the other is the "kun" (native Japanese) reading. For example: the word mountain in its "on" reading is "san," but the Japanese also use the native "kun" reading of  "yama". Kanji's main use is as the roots of nouns, verbs, and adjectives.

How to write numbers:

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