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Saying Good Bye


Saying Good Bye

Here we are at the end of another school year which seemed(at

least for me) to have passed very quickly. Another generation of pupils leaves the school to go to a university or maybe to take a short holiday 555e423f before facing this hard life.This is a time to say good-bye to the ones who will leave and we should all wish them good luck whatever they will chose to do in life.Personaly I can say that I know the majority of the ones who will soon finish twelve grade and I can say that they are good persons who deserve to have success in life.I can imagine how some of them fell,because even if it's hard to believe some really feel sorry for leaving this school where they spent some years.Somebody told me that she/he feel very sorry to go but what can we do?This is life.We have to go on because time doesn't wait for anybody.Another thing twelve grade has to face is the exam and even if the exam it's not realy as it should be they still have to learn something if they fell the need to be honest.However it's hard when you finish a period of your life and you have to start a new one because you need to adapt to the new situation,thing which it's hard for some persons.You cannot really know what your future will bring that's why you have to be prepared for everything,for any kind of situation.

To conclude I want to wish GOOD LUCK for the twelve grade(both) not only in their future life,but also at the exam which will soon come.


And for the rest of my colegues see you next year!

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