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Covering Letters

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Covering Letters 

Zivotopis je napsaný, stačí ho jen poslat. K tomu potřebujeme průvodní dopis: The covering letter:

John Courtis:  They are desperately important. The covering letter has got to earn readership for the CV. If you don't send a covering let 22322i817w ter that tempts people to turn over and read the next page you have failed.

Mike McDodd  (European advisor): Never send a CV on its own - as more than likely it'll end up in the wastepaper basket! Even if you haven't been required to send a covering letter, it's polite to just send two -three lines of text to explain 'this is my CV', who you are and why you sent it if necessary.

Průvodní dopis má vyvolat chuť přečíst si zivotopis. Napsat takový dopis není tak tězké, jak to vypadá. Mike McDodd radí rozdělit si dopis na čtyři části:

In most cases you'll need to send a detailed covering letter - in general that has information in four parts - which is relating to the specific reason you are writing the letter. Next you might be expanding on what your motivation is,  to be applying for the job. In the third section you'll be showing what relevant skills which you can bring to the job itself. And finally a short polite end to the letter.

V prvním odstavci byste měli zaměstnavateli vysvětlit, o jakou práci máte zájem a kde jste se o ní dozvěděli:

1. Dear Mr Brown, I'd like to apply for a position as a trainee marketing assistant, as mentioned in The Herald newspaper.

2. I've been interested in working in marketing for many years, and have had two weeks work experience with Jones Marketing Company.

3. In addition to my growing knowledge of marketing, I can offer many skills, for example: computer and IT skills.

4. I am available for interview from 10th September and look forward to hearing from you.

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