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Grid for Administrative Compliance and Eligibility

For BG ACCESS-2000 Macro Project Scheme

Grid completed by __________ ______ ____ ______ Date completed ___________

I. Identification data

Reference number

Budget line

BG 0010

Applicant (country)


Partner 1 (country)

Partner 2 (country) 858o1416i

Partner . (country)

Programme Objective

Title of proposal

II. Administrative compliance



Application signed by the applicant

The proposal is submitted in one original and 3 copies

The application form is complete. (all the Annexes included)

The statements of partnership are signed by all partners.

Statutes for the lead applicant are included

Statutes for the partners are included

Other annexes (accounts, annual reports, etc) are included

The budget breakdowns are complete and in Euro, as well as provided both in hard copy and electronic version

III. Eligibility



The applicant is eligible

Partner 1 is eligible

Partner 2 is eligible

Partner . is eligible

The proposal is typed in an eligible language

The proposal is in the standard format for applications

The activity is covered by the programme

The project duration does not exceed 10 months

The requested contribution is not lower than the minimum allowed 50 001 euro.

The requested contribution is not higher than the maximum allowed 99 999 euro

The requested contribution is maximum 90% (for EU partner project - 80%) of the total eligible budget.

IV. Comments

Specify any missing information or documents, the name of any ineligible partner, which part of the application form is incomplete, and so on

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Accesari: 1240
Apreciat: hand-up

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