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Australian Rainbowfish


Australian Rainbowfish

Melanotaenia fluviatilis
SYN: Aristeusfluviatilis, Melanotaenia splendida fluviatilis, Nematocentris fluviatilis
PD: An elongated species have lateral compression.  This species lacks the tall body heightcharacteristic of its genus. The head is small while the eye is large.  There are two dorsal fins and the caudalfin is slightly forked. The anal fin has a long base and is pointed at the end.  The back is yellow-brown while the flanksare silver-brown with a silver to green iridescence. A broad blue band runs from the snout to the caudal fin.  Thismay often be fain in some places. The rear half of the body is marked with several orange-red lateral stripes.  Thefins, except for the caudal fin, are yellowish with orange-red markings and a dark edge.  The caudal fin does not have a darkborder. The rear part of the iris of the eye is orange-red as is a marking on the gill cover.  Femalesare less colorful, lacking the orange-red stripes.
SIZE: To 4" (10 cm
SS: Melanotaeniamaccullochi, M. nigrans, M. splendida
HAB: Australia; New South Wales and Queensland
S: middle
TANK: A tank measuring 32" (81 cm) with a volume of 30 gallons (114 L) is suggested.  Thetank should be well planted along the back and edges and have open swimming areas.  A fine gravel substrate is preferredand the lighting can be bright. Use good aeration.
WATER: pH 7-8 (7.2), 5-12 dH (8), 72-79°F (22-26°C
SB: A peaceful, schooling fish recommended for a community tank.  Should be kept in groups. 
SC: Other Rainbowfish, livebearers, tetras that can tolerate harder, more alkaline water.
FOOD: Live; insect larvae, crustaceans, worms, insects; flakes
SEX: Males are more colorful
B: Use a well-planted, roomy tank with a temperature from 75-81°F (24-27°C).  Pairingis preceded by vigorous chasing. Spawning usually takes place at dawn and continues for several days.  The first day results in 100-200 eggs,with decreasing numbers each day. The dark eggs are attached to plants by fine threads.  These hatch after 7-8 days.  Theparents may eat the eggs, especially if not fed adequately.  The young can first be fed paramecia and laterArtemia nauplii. The fry grow slowly until reaching 0.4" (1 cm), when growth rate increases.
BP: 6. Breeding is moderately easy.
R: The the validity of this species is in question; some feel that it is a sub-speciesor a cross.
DC: 4. A hardy fish suggested for a community tank.  Preform frequent partial water changes.

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Accesari: 1575
Apreciat: hand-up

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