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Mega Art License


Mega Art License

All artwork associated with the Mega Art License are copyright Mega Miniatures, Inc. This license allows any person or business entity to COPY and DISTRIBUTE all images herein as long as they abide by the following 5 rules.

Rule number 1: Images may not be modified, with the following exception.

Exception A: Image may be reproduced at any size but no 17317e45r LESS than 2 inches wide. This is to prevent the images being used as "Paper miniature cut outs". This license benefits Mega Miniatures by stimulating metal and resin miniature sales of Mega Miniature products. Therefore image sizes must be at a scale that would benefit both parties.

Exception B: Color may be added to images.

Rule number 2: Images must be properly credited. Each image contains the Mega Miniatures logo. If the images are used either as in PRINTED form, or electronic media the publisher MUST include in the same publication the advertisement provided in this folder. The advertisement of Mega Miniatures products is a digest sized or half page that can be placed anywhere within the publication of the publishers choosing. Two sizes have been provided.

NOTE: if you use images from various downloadable files/folders at you need only run ONE advertisement per publication of your choosing. There is NO limit to how many of our images you can utilize per publication, as long as ONE advertisement is contained within the pages of that publication.

Rule number 3: Images may not be sold as property. Mega Miniatures OWNS these images and is giving you permission to use them. If at any time any bodies of work containing Mega Miniatures images exchange ownership you must provide the buyer with a copy of THIS documentation. They may in turn continue to utilize the images but can lay no claim to them as property. This document DOES NOT have to be printed within the pages of your publication but serves as a legal binding contract once you have distributed any Mega Miniatures images.

Rule number 4: Images and their likeness. You may develop NEW images based on the likeness of our characters/images. However, they become the property of Mega Miniatures, Inc. and can be used by our company without any compensation to the publisher. These NEW images must include the Mega Miniatures logo supplied in this folder. Mega Miniatures does not lay any claim to OTHER characters not developed by Mega Miniatures and used in conjunction with Mega Miniatures images. No Three dimensional figures such as sculptures, toys or collectibles may be created using our images.

Rule Number 5: Using pictures of Mega Miniatures products. You may use images that you create of actual Mega Miniatures products in GAME PLAY. These miniatures can even be modifications using Mega Miniatures parts. However you must explain on the same page how the reader can obtain said miniatures using an 8 point font or greater. Example: (figures shown are from Mega Miniatures pack MEM-90001 TOWNFOLK) .

We encourage you to subscribe to our e-newsletter located at the top of to receive UPDATES and ADDITIONS to these programs and general news on the Mega Miniatures brand of figures.

Johnny Lauck


Mega Miniatures

Phone: 269-969-2561 from 9am to 3pm eastern

Fax: 269-969-0064

Publisher submission form v1 1.0

If you PUBLISH utilizing our images we must SEE a copy in its final format before we can make a decision on announcing it on our website to consumers. This is a FREE program that advertises the availability of your PUBLICATION. Please mail a copy to the following address and fill out this form. We will contact you upon approval.

Mega Miniatures

2376 W. Michigan Ave
Battle Creek
, Mi. 49017 USA

NOTE: check the address information on our website under the CONTACT button in the event we move or relocate.

PUBLISHERS NAME__________ ______ ____ ________

Contact Persons NAME__________ ______ ____ _______

Your e-mail address__________ ______ ____ __________

Phone number__________ ______ ____ _______________

Address__________ ______ ____ ____________________

Available from the following, please check and list all possible outlets

Official name of the publication__________ ______ ____ _

Your website__________ ______ ____ ________________

Online retailers__________ ______ ____ _______________

Distributors__________ ______ ____ __________________

Price of the publication if not free__________ ______ ____ _

That's it, have fun!

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Apreciat: hand-up

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