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Anubias barteri v


Anubias barteri v. barteri

Fam 23323m125x ily


Part of the world


Country of origin

Cam 23323m125x aroun


20-40 cm 23323m125x


15-30 cm 23323m125x

Light requirem 23323m125x ents


Tem 23323m125x perature


Hardness tolerance


pH tolerance




Anubias barteri is an extrem 23323m125x ely variable species and it is, at the sam 23323m125x e tim 23323m125x e, the m 23323m125x ost com 23323m125x m 23323m125x on of the Anubias genus. Several cultured hybrids exist, apart from 23323m125x naturally occurring varieties, and it is com 23323m125x m 23323m125x only produced from 23323m125x tissue cultures. Anubias barteri var. barteri anchors easily to rocks and roots in the aquarium 23323m125x and care m 23323m125x ust be taken if it is planted directly into the sedim 23323m125x ent: always leave the rhizom 23323m125x e on top of the sedim 23323m125x ent because it does not tolerate burial.

It is a very sturdy plant which thrives at low light only with a slower growth rate. This variety of Anubias barteri is the m 23323m125x ost com 23323m125x m 23323m125x on after Anubias barteri v. nana. The leaves of Anubias barteri are subject to colonisation of algae because the leaves live very long (years). The heart shaped dark green leaves offer a pleasant contrast to m 23323m125x ost stem 23323m125x plants. You can greatly enhance the application of this plant - try to take a look at the article Plants cultivated on stones and tree roots! See also fish-proof plants from 23323m125x Tropica Aquarium 23323m125x Plants.

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