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Water is virtually everywhere, covering more that three fourth of the earth's surface. We eat it in our food, drink it, bathe in it and use it for washing, watering plants and recreation. It even serves as a feast for 13213j918n our eyes as rivers, lakes, water falls and a reflector of nature.

In the beginning when God created the earth he separated the waters on earth from those in the firmament and the seas from the dry lands. He was making provision for the sustaining waters to be available for the rest of His planned creation. When He had completed this provision He saw it was good, He was pleased, He knew water was the perfect substance to meet the needs of what He had planned for this planet. (Genesis 1:1-10 and Psalms 33:1,9)


Water is involved in every body function. Water quenches thirst, aids digestion, and cools the body during exercise. It carries nutrients to every cell and cooperates with the organs to flush out wastes. Water lubricates joints, works as a shock absorber. Water is an active part of blood, mucus and digestive juices. It helps regulate body temperature. Even bones use water, they are 22% water by weight. Water comprises approximately 75 percent of the body's muscles. The brain, with its 20 billion cells is over 70%- 85% water. They need an adequate supply to keep mentally alert and help prevent depression and irritability.


About two thirds of the adult human body weight is water, that's 40 to 50 liters. Water is important! It is estimated that an individual living to age 75 will have drunk 20,000 gallons of water. The amazing filtering and recycling operation of the kidneys recycles about 2,000 liters of water a day, that's 8000 cupfuls. Out of all this processing only 2-3 liters are lost through perspiration, the lungs in breathing, and elimination in the urine and feces. Some water is replaced when eating foods, but a person still needs to drink water to replace that which is lost and to keep the human body working efficiently.

1 ˝ to 2 liters of water needs to be drunk each day More is needed when it is hot, if exercising vigorously or working hard.

Life Education, Beverages: Need Page 1


The most common cause of dehydration is carelessness and the bad habit of not drinking enough water each day. Sweating, illness with high fever, diarrhea or hemorrhaging can quickly lead to serious dehydration. Small children and infants are at risk for dehydration, because they have a high metabolic rate, a large skin surface and can't say they are thirsty. As people age thirst diminishes and the kidneys don't save water efficiently thus they can easily become dehydrated too. Older people can seem confused and senile when in fact, they need water to facilitate the function of the brain.

p If 2% of body weight is lost through sweating, vomiting or diarrhea there is a decrease in appetite, strength, endurance and mental sharpness.

p If 5% is lost, skin is flushed, the person can become impatient, weary, sleepy and may be nauseated and have mental confusion.

p If more water is lost there could be headache, tingling, stumbling, indistinct speech, spastic muscles, delirium and death.


A.   Constipation is an Indicator. This bowel dysfunction is often one of the first signs of inadequate water intake. The rest of the body has a higher priority for water than the intestines, so what do constipated people do? They use laxatives which force the rest of the system to return some of its limited supply of water to the intestines. Enemas are used by some but enemas and laxatives are not a cure. The cure comes with drinking more water along with high dietary fiber whole plant foods like grains, fruits and vegetables.

B.    Urine Color and Odor Dark yellow, strong smelling urine is another indicator of a lack of water. Over a long period of time this can lead to the development of kidney stones, urinary tract infections, and bladder problems, all of which are especially common in the elderly. Clear urine once or twice a day indicates adequate fluid intake.

C.    Dry Mouth A dry mouth is caused by decreased salivary gland function and a result of low water intake. By drinking water between meals, the salivary glands are supplied with fluid so the mouth isn't dry and there is a decreased desire to drink fluids with meals.

D.    Fatigue or Unclear Thinking None of the body's cells, and especially the brain cells can function efficiently without adequate water. Fatigue can be caused by "dirty" blood that doesn't have enough water in it to keep it clean.

E.     Thirst is Not Reliable The feeling of thirst can be based on the habits of drinking. Some people thirst for coffee, tea or sugary drinks, but not for water. They have a perverted thirst which is untrustworthy for promoting good health. The habit of having a thirst for water needs to be practiced and developed just like other habits. It can't be left up to chance.

F.     Frequently thirst is misinterpreted as hunger When there is a "hunger pain" try drinking a glass or two of water instead of having a snack, it will help in weight control.

Puritatea apei potabile

Ori de câte ori exista vreo îndoiala cu privire la siguranta apei este recomandabil sa va purificati personal apa potabila.

Solicitati informatii de la institutiile care distribuie si asigura calitatea apei.

Daca apa pare murdara, înainte de a încerca sa o dezinfectati strecurati-o printr-o pânza curata pentru a înlatura orice sediment sau particule suspendate.

Daca apa nu este sigura, puteti folosi filtre de apa care înlatura metalele grele, diverse substante chimice si microorganisme. Nu toate filtrele înlatura toate aceste lucruri. Pentru a-si pastra eficienta, filtrele trebuie folosite conform instructiunilor si unitatea filtranta trebuie schimbata la timp.

Fierberea apei timp de 15 minute ucide microorganismele dar nu afecteaza alte tipuri de contaminare chimica.

Microorganismele mai pot fi ucise si prin adaugarea a 2 picaturi de hipoclorit de sodiu solutie 5,25% la un litru de apa. Amestecati apa si clorul laolalta într-un recipient si lasati sa stea 30 de minute. Daca dupa acest interval nu simtiti un miros slab de clor repetati si asteptati înca 15 minute înainte de a folosi apa.

Pentru a reduce riscul de contaminare cu plumb lasati apa sa curga timp de 2 minute înainte de a umple recipientul din care veti bea.

În anul 1800 oamenii de stiinta aj redescoperit valoarea sfatului dat de Dumnezeu. În cartea Leviticul din Biblie se gasesc instructiunile pe care Dumnezeu i le-a dat lui Moise pentru a preveni contaminarea apei si a preveni bolile transmise prin apa. Daca doriti, le puteti citi singuri.

Flavored Waters

WATER SUBSTITUTES  Flavored waters are popular substitutes for pure water. They are often nothing more than 10_12 teaspoons of sugar, chemicals, carbonated gas and perhaps juice. They have few vitamins, add an unbalanced supply of the mineral phosphorus to the diet, and take the place of water. Some people drink more flavored water, soft drinks, coffee and alcohol than water. A drink of water is like an internal bath, it refreshes and gives the body exactly what it needs to carry out the chemical reactions for all of life's processes. It is the perfect beverage especially created by God to quench the thirst of humans.


A.   A sugar_based drink contains from 120-180 calories from the sugar which has no nutrients. In a child or average woman than is 10% - 15% of their daily calorie intake.

B.    Sugar in drinks requires extra water for metabolism so the water in the drinks is used by the body to help digest and use the sugar. This is especially true of caffeinated drinks which dehydrate that body 2 glasses of water for every one glass of beverage.

C.    The extra calories from sugar must be digested like food. If extra calories are taken into the body in the form of sugar they produce excess body fat .

D.    Sugar lacks dietary fiber. Without the fiber to control the release of sugar into the blood stream, blood sugar levels rise rapidly. When the blood-sugar levels go up it provides a temporary boost of energy, the body then produces extra insulin to get the blood sugar levels back to normal. When insulin pours into the blood stream the energy boost ends and the person has a letdown feeling with shakiness, sweating, weakness, fatigue and hunger.

E.     If several glasses of sugar based, flavored water drinks are drunk each day, they slow down digestion and put extra stress on the stomach.

F.     Children who often drink sweetened beverages, even 100% real fruit juice, will develop more cavities in their teeth then children who don't. This is especially true if the drinks are taken between meals.

G.    Some soda_pop contains the mineral phosphorus. If there is an excessive amount of phosphorus in the diet, it drags calcium out of the body. This may contribute to osteoporosis, with the gradual loss of minerals from the bones, so they fracture easily.

H.    A considerable amount of money is wasted on unnutritious drinks. For those on a limited budget it is unfortunate to waste money on something with such negative aspects.  Life Education, Beverages: Substitutes, Page 1


God designed plain, pure water to be absorbed through the stomach, whether or not foods are present. Sugared drinks are treated like food, they require processing and digestion. If the stomach already contains food, the food must wait to be digested until the flavored sugar-filled drink is processed too.

If drinks are ice cold they will chill the delicate membranes of the stomach and reduce the production of gastric juices temporarily. Digestion will slow down until the temperature of the contents of the stomach reaches body temperature.

Drinking with meals can dilute gastric juices and slow down digestion, causing burping, bloating and stomach upset. If the stomach becomes overfilled and distended from the excess fluid, the food may pass into the intestines too soon. Food may also back up into the esophagus and cause heartburn.

A single glass of water with a meal significantly increases blood glucose levels in an amount similar to eating a meal with little dietary fiber.


Milk is a food. When it is processed by the stomach it turns to a semisolid and is treated like other foods. Milk and beer both triple the amount of acid the stomach produces. Coffee and tea double the acid. For some people this can cause digestive problems & ulcers.

Fruit juice is also a food. It becomes a concentrated food when minus the dietary fiber which regulates the speed of the fruit's digestion. If drunk between meals it will act upon the body just like a sugar or honey sweetened drink will. It should be drunk only with meals.


NO! God designed the kidneys to work as a sophisticated filtration system to remove body wastes. Drinking urine, is like drinking small doses of poison. It is putting an added burden on the kidneys and requiring them to do the same job twice. Drinking urine concentrates wastes leading to thickened, dirty blood, body odor, bad breath, unpleasant smelling urine and illness. Without enough water, or when drinking urine the body is forced to work harder and there is an increased chance for kidney damage.

The best drink for the body, the one Created by God as ideal is clear, pure water!!!!

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