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Gurdjieff's Aphorisms With Commentary by Kennith Walker M.D.
Yasutama Tsutsui - The Polar King
Mastering the art of Persuasion Influence and Seduction
A Gathering of Friends
Into the Doorway
Draco's Detour
The Third Circle By Amanda Quick


What a horrible world is reflected in Dan's pupils. Not a tear is shed. it would be a waste. but a rock off the chest. I wonder still: is the world simply reflected in his eyes or is it reflected in his cortex?

- I can't wait for the day all this collapses! I'm sometimes unsure if this is a dream or reality. or if I'm asleep or awake. Something took me the reason to live ever since.

Dan hesitated, but continued after Alex inquired:

- Ever since?

- Ughhh. never mind. Look, I'll. I'll see you when you see me.

And with that classical "good-bye", he left. From afar, Alex shouted at his friend:

- Go see the sea, man! It will clear your head!

Dan seemed to be more interested in the asphalt 11211r1719l on the sidewalk than in his friend's advice. The bus-stop made him give attention to his inner self, as he tried to answer his own questions. The nostalgic atmosphere dispersed for two minutes as the bus (now a pathological destination for him) stopped as he got in. He couldn't help staring on the window, almost searching for his answers on signs, persons' faces and skies.

He summoned his Inner God and asked for help.

- Why did Julie die? he screamed with an infrasonic sentence to his god.

Thinking that he is searching for his own response, Dan engulfed the light entity in voices:

- It is destiny. You know that life is for those who can choose and destiny for those who cannot. You have life, while she.

- Enough of this! I want her back!

A tear rolled on his cheek as he repeated sadly: "I. want her. back."

As he had only a station left to pass, his rage blinded him utterly and as an effect, he banished his god and sprinted up, leaving his chair empty and exposed. Not for long, for an old man quickly found it and occupied the nest of Dan's latest thoughts. The old man might have felt anger's spirits around that sitting place, so he did exactly like the former "owner". The Inner God spoke to the old man:

- Lead him to the sea. you will find your peace and he will discover his end. It is best.

- God of my mind! the old man's thoughts exclaimed stunned. You have returned to haunt me! No, I can't get involved. You are a sick fantasy from my childhood, that's all!

- I know everything about you, but you know nothing of me, said the god. I know that it has been awhile since you haven't seen your true self.

Breathing hard, the old man left a terrible shout loose:


- You have denied me. Your peace is revoked.

The people in the bus were surprised by the old man's horrid howl, and frightened of his next surprise: an unconscious fall. He tumbled on the floor while a woman nearby, having witnessed the scene, burst in tears in confusion and panic.

At the same time, Dan was walking filled with contradictory emotions and beliefs, when the Inner God appeared to him:

- Go to the sea, he ordered in a thunderous voice. What use is there for your hatred for life? Release them in the salty waters and embrace clarity!

Dan only turned his head as a reply to the order. Inside, he said to himself:

- Only my imagination.

Then, addressing his Inner God after some time of having a blank head:

- You're only in my imagination. Alex came with the idea of going to the sea. Not my imagination. Not you.

That being said, Dan shook his head like trying to get the horrid entity out.

- Deny me, and you will not have the destiny I promised!

Silence is an answer as well, as no word came from the boy's mouth or mind, leaving the god with one last thing to say to him:

- So be it then.

The cold whisper of that autumn sea then was made known to Dan as he felt a breeze and her dead love breathing hard in his own breath. The agony he felt lead to an implosion of his mind. He paralyzed. He denied his god. He will never have peace from now on. Just yells from the inside. blocked there. only to be heard by him alone. A nightmarish scenario for any human being.

With the blight set over this tortured and noble soul, the god went to discuss with the Sea itself.

- You have called, mighty one, and I have come! said the god with an unheard voice. He continues: Why have you summoned me?

Then, wind started to blow over the already-cold surface of the sea creating sky-high waves that smashed into the shore with rage. The people passing by and through the god were soaked by these furious waves. They knew nothing of the presence of the two titan beings right over their souls. An antithesis between infinite power and lack of presence. Amusing. Ironic. Almost cynical.

- I had no choice, answered the god to the dissipated waves of the Sea. They have refused your will! They received what they deserved.

The waves blasted the shore again in anger.

- The paths you promised these humans ARE confusing, said the god in humiliation. I HAVE failed you, master! I will try to do my best in understanding and teaching your just ways!

With fatigue overwhelming the speaker, the Sea went silent in contemplation, ultimately ushering a final wave.

- It shall be done, my lord! he said humbly, after which he vanished upon the sea current to the city.

- And so God, in essence does not. her eyes go wide. Please excuse me.

Just as Andrea left her friends, the god made its presence known as the goddess Lula.

- I have been watching you lately, my dear, said Lula in a very feminine voice. You seem troubled.

- Goddess Lula! Andrea said as she looked in the mirror to take a look at her interlocutor. What reason do I owe your presence, mistress?

- Why, your next lesson, my dear!

- The timing couldn't have been better! said Andrea with a wide grin. I was just talking to some friends.

- They matter not in this lesson. This next one is for you. and you alone.

- Should I send them home so that we can discuss undisturbed? asked the girl in a faint disappointment.

Silence. Andrea knew what to do. After minutes of apologies to her guests, she locked the door and returned in front of the mirror to resume the discussion, but found no one there. Searching the house and calling Lula's name were in vain. The goddess was gone, exacerbating the girl's disappointment and sadness.

Dan was moving aimlessly on the sidewalk with fixed, frozen eyes. He resembled a walking corpse. The god's hex will never lift...

As he was walking, he suddenly banged his head into a wooden door. He repeated the move, apparently unaware of the obstacle. And again. And again. The door opened to reveal a sweet teenager girl with blonde, beautiful hair. The frown on her face was the only thing didn't match on this gorgeous being.

Even under the spell, Dan stopped in astonishment, able to say only one word:

- Julie!

- No, said the girl with a disgusted voice. Who are you?

- Julie!

- It's not. Julie. My name is Andrea. Wrong house.

- Julie!

- Ughhh.

Andrea rolled her eyes as she slammed the door.

- Julie!

From the other side of the door, the girl screamed rather anxious:

- Go away before I call the cops!

The image of his love had disappeared for long enough, so Dan's state of nothingness returned, turning him away from the door and into the cold heart of the concrete jungle, where he did more than scare the population with his horrific and uncontrollable behavior.

The Sea was stirring in disappointment.

In three days time, the god returned to Andrea to finish their conversation. Again, it took the form of a female and approached its interlocutor:

- Hello again!

- Oh, Lula. You startled me, said Andrea in an icy voice.

Lula cached the meaning of her tone, and asked in a motherly voice:

- Is something wrong, my dearest?

- Oh, the fact of you going away when I needed your council most is out of discussion, right?

The god knew it was called away by the Elements to set a boundary between the Sky and the Sea just then, three days ago, but couldn't explain a such thing to this. mortal. So how could it apologize to HER? Nonetheless, it did:

- I am. sorry. You are not the only one I commune with. I promise the lesson I want to teach you now will make up for it.

To Lula's impressing words, Andrea raised her eyebrow:

- Indeed?

- The final and most important chapter must be heeded at all costs. But for this I, must take you to the sea cliff first.

Off they went. When they reached the desired spot, Lula continued her lecture:

- Now, I want you to jump into the cold, dark waters.

Andrea was petrified, starting to believe that she is just a girl with a rather powerful imagination. She whispered to her mistress:

- Are you. serious?

Lula hesitated. Ultimately, she transformed her voice into her original one: the thunder of lightning as she repeated her last phrase. Shocked and completely confused, Andrea proceeded on doing what she was told to do.

In the water she trembled direly, realizing what she's done. Her ashen face cried out for help. Just before she could say anything, she has been pulled down the bottom of the ocean! She struggled, but she had nothing to fight with. Her last precious bubbles of air took to the surface, immortalizing her.

Lula appeared besides her as they were both landing on the sea floor. Hands together for a prayer made up the body language of the goddess' chanting:

- Inspire, expire. Inspire, expire. Inspire, expire!

With the last word, Andrea's legs suddenly disappeared and with the same speed, a fish tail grew in their place. She grew gills as well, and cached for breath for the first time underwater. This environment is inhospitable for a naked human eye, but hers adapted very rapidly. She talked with a muffled sound:

- What have you done to me?

- Swallowing all that water could have killed you. Instead, I see that you have been born again. I welcome you to the depths! said Lula, now having a fish tail of her own. Behold your immortal self!

- A beginning could be born out of an end, Andrea thought. And an end could be a blessing, she said.

Lula nodded and sprinted to the surface. More curious than nervous, the mermaid looked around. She saw many like her, males and females, swimming pass her. One in particular seized her attention: a blonde-haired female with an oval and attractive face. For a second, Andrea saw herself in the mirror again, but she was certainly different. Still, she swam to her "mirror image" to talk:

- Hello, I'm new here. My name is Andrea.

- Hello, Andrea! I'm Julie, nice to meet you!

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