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Configure the State Service on the ASP


Configure the State Service on the ASP.NET State Server

The ASP.NET state service is used to manage session state on a computer. The ASP.NET state service is i 18418i823s nstalled by default when Microsoft Windows Server 2003 is installed. The file aspnet_state.exe is installed on the remote server that will store session state information; the default location is systemroot\Microsoft.NET\Framework\version\aspnet_state.exe.

To configure the ASP.NET state service

On the remote server that will store session state information, open Administrative Tools, and then click Services.

In the details pane, right-click ASP.NET State Service, and then click Properties.

On the General tab, in the Startup type list box, click Automatic.

Under Service status, click Start, and then click OK. The state service starts automatically when the Web server is restarted.

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