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This system extension increases your productivity dramatically by giving you quick and easy access to folder contents and files. Without opening each and every folder, you can browse the directory structure starting at any point by clicking the right mouse button on a file, folder or drive. The program adds a menu item to the con 222h76c text menus of shell objects, which displays the directory structure on demand. If you drag and drop an object on a folder or drive using the right mouse button, you can copy or move the object(s) to any folder of your computer by selecting it from the FastFolders menu. FastFolders also adds a new column to the "Details" view of Explorer windows, which shows the total size of folders including their subfolders and files. This is extremely useful for getting an overview of the distribution of your files and the disk space they occupy.

(Click to enlarge)

Key Features

Modifies the context menu of folders and files, adding a menu item which displays the directory structure on demand

All shell objects can be browsed (including My Computer, Control Panel, Network Neighborhood, etc.)

Right-button Drag & Drop: If you drag and drop an object on a folder or drive using the right mouse button, you can copy or move the object(s) to any folder of your computer by selecting it from the FastFolders menu

Large directories can be split up into multiple columns for easy access

In addition to folders, any file types can be included in the directory structure, to give you fast access to these files

Adjustable menu speed and many other options to customize the product

Adds a column to the "Details" view of Explorer windows, which shows the total size of folders (Windows ME, 2000, XP or higher)

Pressing "C" on an item will copy a list of contents of this item to the clipboard (like a directory listing). "SHIFT+C" includes file size information

Windows XP: pressing "CTRL" when clicking a FastFolders item keeps the FastFolders menu open

Windows XP: pressing "SHIFT" when clicking a FastFolders item will open it in an explorer instead of a normal window

Includes SmartStatus 98, the revolutionary feature for Windows 98 which resizes the items of the status bars of all Explorer windows, to fit all important information (e.g. file sizes) optimally

and much more...

System requirements

Windows 95, 98, ME, NT 4.0, 2000, XP or 2003

Document Info

Accesari: 918
Apreciat: hand-up

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