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Whats it About, How does it Work?


Whats it About, How does it Work?

Fake Logins, Spammers & Extractors

Ok the Concept is Fairly Simple.

It's about a web page or pages that look like a Yahoo Sign In page but when people sign into this page its sends the ID and Password to you 19419i83t r Email account when they submit it.

We will call these ID's and Passwords "Fake Login Returns" in the rest of this tutorial.

At first glance this may seem like its not a very efficient way to collect ID's.

The Idea with the Spammers is to get your Fake Login Links "Spammed" to large quantities of people so that you will have Large numbers of People Signing into your pages and sending your their ID's & Passwords to your Email.

The Beauty behind the Buddy Spammer Concept is that you load a list of ID's and Password's into the Spammer (name - password on each line, in the Accounts.txt) and it Signs Each ID into Yahoo and Spams their Buddies Lists with your Fake Login Links.

Some ID's might have 65 to 100 Buddies on their list.

People are very prone to trusting Links sent by people on their buddies list as opposed to even accepting a pm at all from a perfect stranger.

After you Receive a bunch of these "Fake Login Returns" to your email, you will need a more automated way to retrieve them. The format that they come in is like this in an email message:

login = someonesid

passwd = somepassword

Thats where you will need either a Yahoo Email Extractor or a Gmail Fakie Parser depending on the Email account type you wish to work with.

Both of these programs you can find on in the Opcode Programs Section. I recommend using Gmail but you will need someone to send you a GMail invite to sign up with them.

The Extractor and Parser both take the ID's and Passwords (Your "Fake Login Returns") and put them in format that can be used to continue on to spam your next set, such as:

someonesid - somepassword

someonesid - somepassword

someonesid - somepassword

Doing this manually is very time consuming so you will want to automate it using the tools I've described. You take those ID's and Passwords that are extracted/parsed into this (name - password) format and paste them into your Spammers Accounts.txt and load them into the Spammer to spam.

Continuing with the concept. The Idea is to process as many id's as you can in the shortest time thereby increasing your Chances of Running into "Illegal ID's" (Explained Below)

99% of the ID's that come to you, will never be bother with, except to Spam and move to the next set of Returns.

Why Do it at All?

Most do it to hunt for Illegal ID's. Having an Illegal ID is a bit of a status symbol on yahoo as you can no longer make them it makes them "Rare" or "Unique"

Some Do it to get at their Adversaries by taking their id's if they can fool them into signing in.

What are Illegal ID's?

ID's that contain characters or formats not allowed by Yahoo when Creating an ID.

Heres Yahoo's current specification:

Id's may consist of a-z, 0-9, underscores, and a single dot (.)

Id's can't start with a Number. Id's can't begin or end with and underscore.

Id's can't have consecutive underscores in them.

Some Examples of Illegal Id's might be:




What Spammer is the Best?

Buddy Spammer Pro is the best it has special packets that reach offlines where others don't. (Requires a 25 dollar donation to the site) You get 1 Illy, 3 Fake Login Pages already made. 350 Yahoo Bots for your Booters. Starter ID's to Spam. Site bux and a Special Donator Status Image by your Site name.

A Free Spammer that that doesn't Reach Offlines is the "You've got Fakie" public and only allows you to load 50 ID's at a time. (Opcode Programs Download Section)

You need a starter list of ID's to work with to load into your Spammer. You can get these from some sites when donating. You can find them free in forums or you can crack some id's to get your started.

You need some Fake Login pages Made to load into your Spammer. They are placed 1 link on each line in your Messages.txt (See the Tutorial with this on Making Geocities Fake Logins, Scripts are included with this tutorial)

How Many Fake Logins Should I use?

You would be hard pressed to make much good use of a single Fake Login Link. You will most likely want a good 5 to 7 Fake logins.

Fake Login pages are often De-Activated when spotted by GeoCities and the Page says Not Availible and the Yahoo ID associated with it begins to say wrong password.

Thats why I recommend using GMail because you don't want to loose the Returns along with the Fake Login Page.

At the very least even if you choose Yahoo Mail, make the Email address something other then one of the Yahoo Fake Login ID's.

(See the Tutorial with this on Making Geocities Fake Logins, Scripts are included with this tutorial)

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