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2 over 1 system


2 over 1 system

Opening 1 minor (Our bids displayed only)

1minor-2major = weak 0-5, 6 cards in major (weak jump shift)

1minor-3major = weak 0-5, 7 cards in major (weak jump shift)

1c-2c = 5 clubs, 10+pts,1round forcing, please show stoppers for 3nt. can stop in part score if not much points or no stopper. (Inverted minor).

1c-3c = 5 clubs, 0-5pts (Inverted minor)

1minor-1major-1nt-2new minor = 1round forcing, 10+pts, 5cards in major (NMF)

Opening 1 major (e.g. 1h- Our bids displayed only)

1h = 12-22pts, 5 cards in suit

1h-1s = natural

1h-1s-1nt-2c (not 2d) = 1round forcing, 10+pts, 5 spades (not NMF)

1h-1nt = 1round forcing (3 hearts and 6-7 or 6+pts, whatever's not below)

1h-1nt-2c/d = better minor (!)

1h-1nt-2c-2nt = 10-11, balanced, no 3 spades

1h-1nt-2c-2d = signoff

1s-1nt-2c/d-2h = signoff

1h-2c/d = game forcing!

1h-2c = 4 cards support, 10+pts if opener was 3rd or 4th hand (2 way reverse "Drury")

1h-2d = 3 cards support, 10+pts if opener was 3rd or 4th hand (2 way reverse "Drury")

1h-2h = 3 hearts, 8-10pts

1h-2nt = 4+ hearts, 12+pts - "Jacoby"

1h-2nt-4h = reluctant about slam, can stop here

1h-2nt-3h = 16-20, no 2nd suit, no singleton

1h-2nt-3nt = 14-15, no 2nd suit, no singleton

1s-2nt-3c/d/h = 14+, shows singleton (not Ace)

1h-3c = 4+ hearts, 6-9pts - "Bergen"

1h-3d = 4+ hearts, 10-11pts - "Bergen"

1h-3h = 4 hearts, 0-5pts

Opening to 1nt (Our bids displayed only)

Balanced hand, 15-17pts

1nt-2c = non forcing stayman (0+pts)

1nt-2d = transfer to hearts (same with 2h transfer to spades)

1nt-2d-2h = less than 4 hearts

1nt-2d-3h = weak with 4 hearts

1nt-2d-2nt = strong with 4 hearts

1nt-2d-2s/3c/3d = weak doubleton in suit bid with 4 hearts

Next bid can be a re-transfer (3d/h)

1nt-2s/nt = transfers to minors (should have 6 cards in minor to transfer)

1nt-2s-2nt = 2 out of AKQ in clubs

1nt-2nt-3c = 2 out of AKQ in diamonds

1nt-2s-3c-3h = singleton heart (ask for 3nt or 5c contract)

1nt-3c = puppet stayman (game forcing)

Opening 2c (Our bids displayed only)

2c = 23+pts OR 8 PLAYING TRICKS 18-22 pts

2c-2d (relay) in 99% of cases

2c-2h/s = only if really strong suit

2c-2d-2nt = possible to pass

Opening 2d (Our bids displayed only)

2d = weak major with 6 cards (3-9 pts, 1st hand min KJTxxx, 3rd hand QJTxxx)

2d-2h/2s/3h/4h = pass or correct

2d-2nt = check for strength

2d-2nt-3c = strong hearts

2d-2nt-3d = strong spades

2d-2nt-3h = weak hearts

2d-2nt-3s = weak spades

Opening 2h (Our bids displayed only)

2h = 5 hearts + 5 any (minors or spades)

2h-3h = continue interference

2h-2s = pass or correct

2h-2nt = bid other suit (c/d/s)

Opening 2s (Our bids displayed only)

2s = 5 spades + 5 in minor

2s-3s = continue interference

2s-2nt = asking for minor

2s-3c/d/h = 6 cards in suit bid, 1round forcing

Opening 2nt (Our bids displayed only)

2nt = Balanced hand, 20-22pts

2nt-3c = puppet stayman

2nt-3c-3h/s = 5 cards in major

2nt-3c-3nt = not even 4 cards in major

2nt-3c-3d = have 4 cards in major, please bid your other major

2nt-3d/h = transfer to majors

2nt-3s = ask for minors

Opening 3nt ("3nt gambling" - Our bids displayed only)

3nt = 7 cards close minor (AKQJxxx) + max K on another suit

3nt-pass - has stoppers in all other suits

3nt-4c/5c = pass or correct

3nt-4d = asking for a singleton (trying to go to 6c)

3nt-4d-4nt = no singleton


1c-P-1nt-2d-X = Penalty X by our side (allways penalty after 1nt bid by us!)

1h-X-XX-P-P-1S-X = Penalty X by our side (allways penalty after XX bid by us!)

1h-P-1s-2c-X (or) 1c-P-1h-1s-X = Support X (3 cards !!! supporting partner's suit) .

1c-P-1s-X-XX = 3 cards Supporting spades

1c-1h-P-1s-X-XX = 3 cards Supporting spades

Cue bids

1c-1h-P-1s-P-2c = 3 cards supporting cue bid (support in spades)

Gerber (Our bids displayed only)

4c after nt was bid is a question fro aces

4c-4d = 0 or 3 aces

4c-4h = 1 or 4 aces

4c-4s = 2 aces

Continuation after opps overcall

Any bid at 1 level can be with only 4 cards

1c-1h-P-1s => 4 spades

1c-1h-1s = 4 spades

Supporting partner's suit

3 cards support can be shown by cue bid or X or XX

1c-1h-P-1s-P-2c - support in spades using cue bid

1c-P-1s-X-XX (or) 1c-1h-P-1s-X-XX = Supporting spades using XX

1h-P-1s-2c-X (or) 1c-P-1h-1s-X = Supporting spades using X

Long suit trial bid

After establishing a suit (only 1Mj-2Mj), bid long suit to find extra strength in partner's hand

Long suit can be as strong as KJxx , looking for Q in partner's hand


At 3level (major) shows singleton, at 4level shows void, and supporting partner's suit

1s-3h or 1h-2s = singleton

1s-4h or 1h-3s = void

"Cappelletti" (Overcalls over 1nt -  Our bids displayed only)

Min 3 pts - only in preferred vulnerability and special hand structure

1nt-X = penalty X. min 7 tricks.

1nt-2c = 6 cards in any suit.

1nt-2d = 5-5 in majors.

1nt-2h = 5-5 in hearts and a minor.

1nt-2s = 5-5 in spades and a minor.

1nt-2nt = 5-5 in minors.

RKCBW  (Our bids displayed only)

4nt-5c = 0 or 3 out of 5 key cards.

4nt-5d = 1 or 4 out of 5 key cards.

4nt-5h = 2 or 5 out of 5 key cards and NO queen of trump.

4nt-5s = 2 or 5 out of 5 key cards and YES queen of trump.

Over 5c and 5d responses, the next step ask for the queen of trump.

If the next step is the agreed trump , then it's to play (e.g. H is trupms , 4nt-5d-5h => to play) . To ask for the queen in this case, use the following step (5s) .

Some other examples, agreed trump is spade :

4n-5c-5d-5s = no Q trump

4n-5c-5d-6s = yes Q trump and no other kings.

4n-5c-5d-6d = yes Q trump and king of D.

4n-5c-5n = asks for specific king .

4nt-5c-5n-6c = have the K of club.

4n-5c-5n-6s = no kings (bid the agreed trump)


1x-P-P-1nt = 10-14pts, balanced, no stopper necessary, system on (stayman etc.)

Tips for hand play


Over nt - K lead means a strong suit. P should play A/Q/J, or if no high card, signal count .


1st discard = odd-even : Odd > I want this suit. Even> suit preference

Afterwards, all cards and discards show count or encouraging/discouraging.

Also the echo for the 1st partner lead shows suit preference in the same way


Showing control can be also 2nd control (A / K / singleton / void)

Showing control is only after fit is established

Squeezing - give loosing tricks first. Need a long suit for the squeeze .

Document Info

Accesari: 1313
Apreciat: hand-up

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