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A world wide alliance, made by the real hardcore lovers, the producers, the dj's, the freaks.


A world wide alliance, made by the real hardcore lovers, the producers, the dj's, the freaks.

"By Truecore members, for Truecore members"

About half a year ago, an idea rose. At the Truecore forum a member suddenly got a marvelous idea right after the crea 212o1417c tion of a special subforum for tracks and mixes of beginning producers. This same, very active user got this idea as if he had been struck by lightning. The idea was to create an album, an album made by the truecore members, for truecore members, on which tracks from amatuer producers from all over the world would be placed. Producers which we believe one day will be at the top of the hardcore scene.

After an initial slow start, things started to moving faster than the speed of sound. From out of nowhere different talents where spotted on the forum and many, many tracks were collected. Not all were the greatest quality, but enough of them had great potential. A few members started to work out the idea, covers where made, tracks selected, and every day their excitement grew.

At a critical point the decision was made to make a double CD album, on CD 1 there had to be a mix, a mix by an amateur dj. And CD 2 was supposed to become a collection of loose tracks also created and compiled by the members of Truecore.

"Known all over the world, and respected by many."

The first CD, was to be mixed. "But who should mix it?" the forum wondered. After a long struggle a name was found. Someone known by hardcore maniacs all over the world. A dj who is respected by many. Amazingly as it is, he was still an amateur. It seemed to be the perfect solution. The first CD would be mixed by Mindfucker.

Contacting Mindfucker was easy, he immediately felt like pulling it off. Carefully selected tracks from the different truecore members were transferred to Mindfucker who saw potential in most of the tracks. The mixing took months, tracks had to be mastered, organized, and mixed. Also, the insertion of all kinds of special effects, vocals and sounds, which is Mindfuckers speciality, were some of the main reasons that the mixing of the first CD took a couple of months. Teased by a preview, members became anxious to hear the final result and the belief in a massive CD grew bigger day by day.

Finally, after a couple of months, Mindfucker himself revealed the CD. It blew us all away. The mixing was extremely well done, the tracks blended in perfectly. All kinds of effects made heads all over the world go crazy. Prior to mixing, Some of the tracks seemed low quality, but after Mindfucker unleashed his incredible skills on them almost every track's true potential was bought out.

All kinds of styles were gathered for this project. From the tripping psycore from Csabi, to the speaker killing terror from the Untitled. A statement was made. Hardcore and all subgenres where now perfectly blended into one.
From a dark intro, through tripping and spacey tracks, flying through the mainstream hardcore, and eventually after passing several styles, ending in a mind devastating parade of BPM. This was the goal of this project.

"Various tracks, great potential."

The kick off for the second CD was made while the truecore member waited for the mix to be finished. This cd also had to contain several styles. The selection of the tracks was very difficult, because by now, a massive amount of tracks had already been collected. These tracks all created by international, upcoming, and promising talents who where all members of the Truecore forum.

Finally a selection of 21 tracks was made.

This CD contains technically superior and highly advanced tracks of X.E.N.O, Wasteland, Double O, Abandoned Soul, Csabi, Hybrid, The Untitled, Trailblazer and many, many more. All of these names will be widely known around the world in a couple of years. The question of if the names will be known doesn't rise anymore, the only question that is left, is when will these names will dominate the hardcore scene.

"The need of perfection."

While CD 2 was compiled some members started to think ahead about the remaining parts of the album. Covers had to be designed and info files had to be written.
We are very proud to say that even these little things didn't escape our view. Professional covers where made by the same member who came up with the whole idea. Info files, tags and everything that comes with an internet released album where made by other members. All in all, it was a massive amount of work that still had to be done, but it had eventually been done with great care, pride, and love.

The deadline for the release was exceeded over and over again due to the great need of perfection of all the members.

As I am writing this, the final pieces are being placed. The legacy of the first album from Truecore Records, is almost over.

"Without you, we would have been nowhere."

I want to speak out my eternal thanks to some people.

First up, there is NoName. Without him there wouldn't be truecore at all. Without him, this album would never have been realized, the idea would never have even been thought of. Of course the man with the plan, one of the most active members on truecore. The main power behind this album, and the wonderful artist of the covers. This man would be no one else but Franks. He also, deserves my deepest of thanks. Next up is Mindfucker. His belief in the project, his astonishing mix, his patience with all the amateurs. He made the first cd what it is. He has putted his soul into it and unleashed his incredible mixing skills. Without him this release wouldnt be where it is. Id also like to thank every single producer who made tracks for this project. We owe you all big respect. Hopefully you will remember the start of your wonderful careers as producer and dj's from the creation of this Truecore Compilation. Additionally, i'd like to thank the perfectionists, Evilchicken and Crazylozer, for taking this album as far as it could go, for taking the final steps, for making it perfect.

In the end it comes down to every last member of truecore. They all deserve to be thanked. Many of them participated in the creation of this project, gave feedback, ideas, new energy, and gave us the will to continue. Without their dedication this project would not have lasted. So to all you Truecore members out there I have two words for you:

"Thank you."

Death will catch us all, but Truecore will survive. Truecore will survive death. Truecore will live!

Peace out, to all the gabbers!
The Agonizer aka Subliminal Noize aka Snatzzz

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