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ACE Financial - Company History


ACE Financial - Company History

Company HQ

The story of ACE Financials begins in London, 10 years ago. Stephen Treharris had just arrived in the United Kingdom from working for 828v2116i 8 years in New York for a leading US Financial Institution. Stephen wanted to use his expertise to set up a company that would provide financial solutions at minimal risk to organizations across the globe.

Ace Financials specializes in all types of finance, loans, trustee services etc.

We are highly respected and recognized across the financial industry. Ace Financials is a registered lender service provider functioning in the capacity as the off site department for numerous banks involved within a loan program. Ace Financials associates only with lenders that carry the CLP and PLP designations (Certified Lenders Program and Preferred Lenders Program). These designations are given only to the top producing lenders in the region.

At Ace Financial Services we prepare a loan application package for the Bank. We prepare all of the narrative and historical data, and underwrite the loan package to the strict standards required.

We maintain a direct channel of communication with our lenders. By doing so, we are able to provide the customer with not only a package conforming to the latest government standards, but we can also submit your application to a number of financial institutions simultaneously, guaranteeing you the best market rates and conditions applicable to your loan request.

The management team of Ace Financials collectively has well over 40 years of experience in understanding business. This vast knowledge allows us to communicate your wants and financial needs in a format that a Bank will understand. Our job is simply to obtain long term financing quickly, easily and in a timely manner for our customers.

Stephen Treharris

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