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Arriba to be one of the leading confectionary companies in Europe by offering to its employees its allies and its products consumers safety and total quality


To provide through continuous development, innovative and secure products, having as a target maximum quality at the lowest profitable price.


Total Quality



The Company

Arriba was formed at the end of by Ilias Davos Emporiki Synthesis S A and Fotis Harhalas The reason of its formation was the production of confectionary products

All the shareholders are established in the Greek confectionary market for several years. Emporiki Synthesis S A is an official importer and distributor of well-known confectionary brands and has developed a commercial network of more than 30,000 spots around Greece. Davos family used to be the owner and inventor of the most popular Greek confectionary industries such as Bingo S.A., Chipita S.A., Melo S.A. etc. Finally, Mr. Harhalas is one of the major wholesalers in the specific market by visiting directly selling spots or through reselling products to other minor wholesalers.

Nowadays, the company belongs to Mr Davos and Mr Panagiotou who is one of the main supplier of Greek food and tobacco industries as far as raw materials and machinery is concerned.

Core Business

Arriba started its operation by investing in the production of an innovative product; the "Double Waffle with Hazelnut Praline".

All the products that Arriba manufactures, target the end consumer by offering him a sweet confectionary choice in a safe and practical single-item packaging that can be sold and distributed in any place without special storage or distribution conditions needed.

Following the success of its first product, Arriba continues investing in new products always based on Soft Waffles.

In May 2007 "Double Waffle with Strawberry Filling" was launched in the Greek market, and in October 2007 Arriba started the production of a new children-oriented confectionary product. In January 2008, Arriba created "Yoo-Hoo" exclusively for exports in other countries like Romania and Italy. Yoo-Hoo was launched in two different flavors, the cocoa cream and the vanilla cream.

The industrial facilities of Arriba are designed and operate by following the latest technological developments. The whole production line operates with minimum human involvement while all the procedures run under the quality control principles of ISO 9001:2000 (certified EQA), ISO 22000:2005 (certified EQA) and HACCP.


Arriba's people everyday aim to implement their company's vision. Exports are the first step to the European profile that Arriba attempts to adopt.

For that reason, a large amount of our company's production capacity is set aside targeting export sales mainly in the area of Balkans. The estimation of each country's potential sales force is calculated by considering macroeconomic issues, confectionary market existence, and competitive advantages of our products.

Romania presents one of our company's major target countries, mainly because of consumption habits, population size, market structure and macroeconomic figures.

Dividing our production capacity to the desired markets for introducing our products; Arriba is able to reserve 1 million single-item waffle products per month only for our brother company, Arriba RomGreek SRL. Following our investing program for this year, by September 2008 the production capabilities of our company will expand to 4 million single-item waffle products per month only for Arriba RomGreek SRL.

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