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Bussines Rules


Bussines Rules

After documenting and interviewing we identify Bussines rules. We clasify them in structural bussines rules and programming bussines rules.

Structural Bussines rules:

·   &nbs 717r1712h p;    Each patient may contract a disease in a certain date

·   &nbs 717r1712h p;    Each patient may die, or heal after a certain period of time.

·   &nbs 717r1712h p;    Each patient has a specific location, we track it through GPS.

·   &nbs 717r1712h p;    Each user who register, introduces data about a specific patient, what disease he has, his outcome or the after-effects if exists.

·   &nbs 717r1712h p;    Each user has a contact info:e-mail adress, phone, or adress.

·   &nbs 717r1712h p;    Each user who logs in to the database speaks a language

·   &nbs 717r1712h p;    Each disease is created by an ethiological agent, as a result of favorising factors or predisposal facts.

·   &nbs 717r1712h p;    Each disease has an outcome which differs from patient to patient.

·   &nbs 717r1712h p;    Each outcome may lead to after-effects, which differs from patient to patient

·   &nbs 717r1712h p;    For each patient we are interested to know his age, gender, height, weight.

Procedural Bussines rules:

·   &nbs 717r1712h p;    all measurement units must be in metric.

Programming Bussines rules:

·   &nbs 717r1712h p;    we can give a diagnostic after we observe the patient health evolution through time.


·   &nbs 717r1712h p;    we can make reports of a disease spread in a specific area.

·   &nbs 717r1712h p;    also we may look how a disease appear and evolved through a range of pupils ordered by gender, age, weight, height.

·   &nbs 717r1712h p;    we can make queries of people who died from a specific disease and their health evolved.

ERD Explanations:

·   &nbs 717r1712h p;    A disease evolves in time, has a date started and date ended, time never goes reverse(e.g. not transferability).

·   &nbs 717r1712h p;    An outcome may gives an after-effect and it cannot be changed(e.g. not transferability).

·   &nbs 717r1712h p;    A disease gives an outcome and it cannot be changed(e.g. not transferability).


·   &nbs 717r1712h p;    We assumed that a user cannot be a patient

·   &nbs 717r1712h p;    We assumed that the contracted the disease in the same area were he lives.

·   &nbs 717r1712h p;    We assumed that each patient cannot have 2 diseases at the same time.

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Apreciat: hand-up

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