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An experimental research study presentation.

The purpose is to investigate the effects of the teaching of revision strategies in a computer - based environment both on revision and on the quality of texts. On one hand, research has shown that revi 14514m1219o sion plays a central role in writing; on the other hand, research on the use of computers in teaching writing has suggested that the positive effects of the medium depend on the pedagogical context in which this technology is used. Linking the teaching of revision strategies to the use of computer seems then to be a good means of improving the quality of students' writing.

Over the past years information technology (IT) has become increasingly important in all areas of education. Most written work is now word processed, library resources are searched using computers and a significant proportion of data is held on computers. In Romania the growth in the use of electronic communications networks has been phenomenal. It is this aspect of IT that I focus on.

This report considers some of the pressures which are encouraging the exploitation of networks in education. It then looks at the how the different available systems are being used educationally, specifically for second language learning.

A range of factors are going to influence the degree to which networks are exploited and used in education, mostly in schools - such as:

- Rapid developments in IT and communication technology;

- Romanian Ministry of Education and Research policy towards network use;

- National and local government's definitions of the role of education;

- Education staff attitudes towards IT use in teaching and education;

- Students expectations;

- Changes in pedagogy

- Teachers' approach to exploiting technological developments for education.

There no longer any doubt that electronic networks will have a profound effect on education at any levels, as upon most aspects of society in the developed world.

Rationale of the project innovation:

= the modularization of courses;

= part - time courses;

= courses with a strong 'training' and 'practical' element;

= distance and open learning;

= training for study and learning;

= different approaches to materials design and delivery;

= more self - access facilities;

= educating for change;

= educating for life, for a new labour market(E.U new labour market).

It will be clear from the above that a vast amount of research is taking place internationally, and also in Romania, into network use in education. In the area of language learning Europe is investing heavily - Romania is one of the countries that started slowly this process but it has achieved large steps! The need for European citizen to speak one, two or more languages is seen as of major importance for the successful working of the European Union. And one of the main aims in Romanian education reflects the need to implement now technologies in teaching and learning process.

In the near future we can expect the flood of information onto the Web to grow. There will also be improvements in access with more computers being connected and access speeds increasing. Therefore, we expect a wide range of projects to be developed and implemented in Romania calling for participants and support from all over.

SIGNIFICANCE OF PROJECT TO EDUCATORS: development of a large library if resources for modern languages;

a partnership focusing on foreign language teaching using various technologies, including ISDN 2, voice conferencing, video conferencing, etc.

a possible attention sign at national level decisions that will influence interest in the educational potential of networks. We intend to increase understanding of how new information and communication technologies are both shaped by human activities and have an impact on society and the individual;

to raise the general level of IT capability;

to develop network literacy;

to provide appropriate advice, support and training for teachers in the use of on - line/ off line educational applications and services;

Contact with other institutions conducting similar projects.

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Accesari: 1030
Apreciat: hand-up

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