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London The Sydney Russell School student Evelina


London The Sydney Russell School student Evelina

London City

London is a capital and largest urban area of England and the United Kingdom. London is a very famous city it's full of exciting places to see and the city is always busy. The accumulated buildings drawn on an inexhaustible range of influences often decorated with carvings and beautiful overwhelming lights that night time in London looks extraordinary. Anytime you will find something to do. There are loads of places you can visit and you will never be bored. England's rich and often turbulent history is perhaps best reflected in its buildings and nowhere is this more apparent than in those properties associated with the Royal Family and their celebrations like Buckingham Palace. Together with these, the fashionable shopping areas of Sloane Street and Kings Road represent London's prestigious role in the world of fashion. London has the Europe's busiest shopping area Oxford Street, a shopping street nearly one mile long which makes it the longest shopping street in the world and home to many shops and department stores including Selfridges , River Island , Roberto Cavalli , Gucci , D&G , Dorothy Perkins , Zara , Topshop , Louis Vuitton , Prada , Channel , Calvin Klein and loads more that will leave you with amazement. London offers a great variety of cuisine as a result of its ethnically diverse population. Gastronomic centers include the Bangladeshi restaurants of Brock Lane and the Chinese food restaurants of Chinatown. Variety of restaurants includes Italian- and Greek-influenced establishments among others, as well as all manner of novelties and oddities. More up market restaurants are scattered around central London. There are a variety of regular annual events.

London also has a high number of street markets, including Camden Market for fashions and alternative products.

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