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A. Look at this mixed - up dialogue. Write it in the correct order.

ANDY: What did you see?

ANDY : I stayed at home and did my homework.

ANDY : Was it good ?

ANDY : What did you do last night ?

BRIAN : The new Indiana Jones film.

BRIAN : Oh , no , how boring!

BRIAN : I went to the cinema with my sister.

BRIAN : Yes, I liked it, but my sister didn't. What did you do?

B. Answer the questions about your first day at school, your parents and yesterday.

1. How old were you when you started school?


2. Did you enjoy the first day at school?


3. Did your parents wear a school uniform?


4. Did your parents study English at school?


5. Did it rain yesterday?


6. What was the weather like yesterday?


7. Did you have an English class yesterday?


8. What time did you go to bed last night ?


9. What did you have for dinner yesterday?


10. Did you enjoy your dinner?


C. Do the following sentences show ability, permission, or possibility? Mark them A(ability) , P (possibility), or Perm.(permission)

1. I don't believe you - it can't be true.

2. He can't ride a motorbike.

3. Can I use your telephone ?

4. Can you play the piano?

5. You can open the window if you want.

6. New York can be very cold in winter.

7. Can I go to a disco this evening?

8. A bat can fly very high.

9. Mum, can I have a TV in my room?

I can swim quite well.

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Apreciat: hand-up

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