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Classics never die. There's no lure to match Salmo's Whitefish: perfect balance, superb action, ultimate control, fabulous finish, excellent casting. If you have all this, you must be fishing the Whitefish. There are no equals! A great classic, that is still the top of the stack. Fish it and watch how easily it works through the water. Nothing to worry about, unless of course you're a predator.

Lure type - Crankbait
In the salmo offer since - 1992
Available sizes - 13 and 18 cm
Available versions - Floating, Deep Runner, Jointed
Available colours - 9
Recommended method of fishing - casting (twitching), trolling
Recommended for - pike, muskie, danubean salmon, zander, walleye



length (cm)

weight (g)


recommended line (mm)

diving depth (m) spinning / trolling




Two - No. 2



Two - No. 2



Two - No.2



Two - No.2



Two - No.4/0

How to fish with Salmo Whitefish

A steady retrieve, quite slow, with soft pulls on the rod is the best way to work the Salmo Whitefish in rivers or lakes. You use sideways pulls on the rod tip to get the Whitefish to move in a stop-start fashion, with each pull the lure should move about 0.5 - 0.8m. On a steady retrieve you should slow it down or even allow it stop periodically. The floating versions can be used for trolling either as they are or with an additional weight fixed directly on the main line or on a paternoster link.

An excellent and unfailing trick in fishing for pike with Salmo Whitefish is a sudden change in a direction of leading the lure. This effect can be achieved by making a maneuver with a rod tip with increase of the line retrieve speed in the same time. Such action triggers off an uncontrollable impulse of attack of the irresolute predator.

A lot of trophy huchens have been caught on Whitefish 13. A typical river where trophy fish of this species live is marked by varied depth - half a meter deep rocky shallows with strong current alternate with deep pits. Irreplaceable lure in such places is Whitefish 13 DR, or Jointed DR. In order to avoid getting the lure stuck between stones on shallows, rise your rod tip high and lead your lure through the shallow part jerking constantly. Then lower the rod tip in order to allow the lure to dive deeper. Jerking with the rod tip up does not allow the lure to go deeper than 0 m.

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