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After downloading this program, I decided to try and create some

easy instructions on how to play the game. It's not very hard, but this

may make it easier for first time users.

Most of the instructions, are prompted on the screen, but there

are some that are not. At the very top of the game board, are the main

directions-all you need to do, is type the first letter of each category

and you will be prompted to what to do.

-------- ----- ------ -------- ----- ------ -------------

Quit Save Players Mortgage Houses Trade Rent Dice Fastmove Cash

-------- ----- ------ -------- ----- ------ -------------

Q=quit, you will be asked if you want to save the game being played.

S=save, self explanatory

P=show players Position on board, Sequence, Houses owned and what

location, Owners-who owns what properties, Wealth-amount of monies

by each player, Quit this section.

M=will ask you, if you want to mortgage off properties-follow the


H=you will be asked if you want to buy or sell houses.

T=Trade, players can trade property and money, if one player is

short of cash.

R=RENT=you MUST type R to collect rent from the opposing player,

each time someone lands on your property! Very Important!

D=D has to be typed each time you want to roll the dice.

F=FASTMOVE=changes location of the dice being rolled, and the

pace of your tokens movement on the game board.

C=displays each players cash and property.

Document Info

Accesari: 1296
Apreciat: hand-up

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