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Birshtonas is a small town, situated on both sides of the river Nemunas. First time the name of Birshtonas was mentioned in 14th century. It is a popul 17517s1811r ar spa of it's good quality mineral waters. Various international events are frequently held here.

This city is well-known like a resort, because there're a wonderful climate, witch attract a lot of people.

I think, the changes of this town are in progress. The town can proud it's cultural life. Concerts, theatre events, international jazz festivals..everything are here! The town has a public library, cultural centre, museums.

There're two sanatoriums, having a long-term traditions by using traditional methods.

I can see a good quality of life here. I think a low crime rate is much more important than traffic congestion. It's more essential than anything else, because your safety is in the first place. Of course, to live in Birshtonas are very safe.

I'd recommend you to live in this town. It's really quiet and peaceful place. If you want to be healthy, to take part in a lot of interesting activities, to live in a green space, to breath the clean air- choose this city!

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