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1. It doesn't matter how small your home is as long as you have a home of your own and what is your idea of an ideal home?

Home is very important thing for all people. There aren't any person in the world who wouldn't like to have their own home - even small place. It's nice feeling when we go back from 19419o1421t school or work to our house. We have a place where we go there whenever we want. Usually atmosphere at home is nice, members of family love eachother. Unfortunatelly we must remember that there are many homeless in our world. That's why it doesn't matter how small our home is as long as we have a home of our own. I thing that people who have a place where to live are really lucky men.

In my opinion ideal home first of all should be overfilled with warm feelings of family. It's importatnt to have someone at home who we can talk about everything with. In ideal home we should relax and feel freely. Home which are opened for all members of family, for all friends, where everybody loves eachother - that's an ideal home!!!

(ok.163 słówek)

2. Travel wide travel wise - says a slogan in a tourist brochure. What does a statement mean to you?

When people travel they become wiser. It's really truth. Thank travels we broaden our horizons of the world. We can recognize true customs which are in other countries. We can also observe nature all over the world. In every land there are different plants, trees etc. We see everything live! It's really great feeling to see something which other people can only watch in television or hear on the radio. I think that people who travel and have money for it are lucky. It's nice to meet somebody from different country than out. We can learn a lot about their life - of course if it's interested for us. But I think that people who travel want to know many curious things.

Travels also "learn life". Everything can happen during our journey, for example: we can see murder or stealing , poverty, too, which is very sad. But on the other hand we can also wonder beautiful objects which are many in the world. And the most important - we would be able to share our impressions from our journey with our friends and family.

(ok.180 słówek)

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