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Any change, even for the better, is always accompanied by drawbacks and discomforts.


Any change, even for the better, is always accompanied by drawbacks and discomforts.

Many people think that they can front big changes in their life. Well, is not that easy, because a big change does not come alone, it is ac 838l116i companied by drawbacks and discomfort. Life is as easy as you think, is accompanied by problems and dangers too.

To start with a simple example, let's think about a man called Larry who wins lots of money. Larry is very excited and he cannot believe what is happening. He tries to realize the fact that his life is going to suffer a change, that will not be easy for him.

Moreover, his personality will be changing day after day, he will become another man with another influence to others. Larry will probably change his friend circle, his job, his city. He will meet new friends from higher society levels, he is so selfish that he can forget the past, his friends. But he doesn't realize these things ,so the changing process continues without bothering him.

But Larry is not happy, so after a while he contacts his old friends to ask for help. Nobody will help him anymore, because he turned back to them. Now Larry is by his own, he starts to realize what he has turned into and tries to repair his mistakes. But no one will accept him back because of his selfish.

In the end, Larry was lost, he lost everything, money was not bringing him happiness, he thought that money is everything, but he was wrong. So when your life offers you a change to change something, don't forget who you really are don't forget your past !

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