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PEG chapter I

Articles: a/an

Articles: the

Articles: a/an, the

Articles and possessive adjectives

a/an and one

Auxiliary verbs
PEG chapters

Auxiliary verbs

Auxiliaries conjugated with do/does/did

Auxiliary verbs

Auxiliary verbs

Additions to remarks, using auxiliary verbs

11 Agreements and disagreements with remarks, using auxiliary verbs

Question tags after negative statements

Question tags after affirmative statements

Question tags: mixed

Auxiliaries followed by full or bare infinitive

Auxiliaries: mixed

have: possessive

have: various uses

The have object past participle construction


it is/there is

can and be able


must and have to

must not and need not

need not and don't have to etc.

must, can't and needn't with the perfect infinitive

Present and past tenses
PEG chapters

The simple present tense

The simple present tense

The present continuous tense

The simple present and the present continuous

The simple present and the present continuous

The simple past tense

The simple past tense

The past continuous tense

The simple past and the past continuous

The simple past and the past continuous

The present perfect tense

The present perfect and the simple past

The present perfect and the simple past

The present perfect and the simple past

The present perfect continuous tense

The present perfect and the present perfect continuous

for and since

Future forms
PEG chapter

The present continuous tense as a future form

The be going to form

The present continuous and the be going to form

The future simple

The present continuous and the future simple

will infinitive and the be going to form

will infinitive and the be going to form

The future continuous tense

will infinitive and the future continuous

won't infinitive and the future continuous negative

Second person interrogative: will you and other forms

shall and will

Time clauses

The future perfect tense

Time clauses

would and should

would and should

Conditionals PEG chapter

Conditional sentences: type

Conditional sentences: type

Conditional sentences: type

Conditional sentences: mixed types

Conditional sentences: mixed types

Mixed tenses and verb forms

PEG chapter

Full or bare infinitive

Full or bare infinitive

Infinitive represented by to

too/enough/so as with infinitive

Various infinitive constructions

Perfect infinitive used with auxiliary verbs

Perfect infinitive used with auxiliaries and some other verbs

Gerund, infinitive and participles PEG chapters

The gerund

Gerund and infinitive

Gerund and infinitive

Gerund and infinitive

Infinitive, gerund, present participle

Using participles to join sentences

Misrelated participles

Passive PEG chapter

Active to passive

Active to passive

Passive to active

Indirect speech PEG chapter

Indirect speech: statements

Indirect speech: statements

Indirect speech: questions

Indirect speech: questions

Indirect speech: questions

Indirect speech: commands, requests, advice expressed by object infinitive

Indirect speech: commands, requests, advice

Indirect speech: commands, requests, advice

Indirect speech: commands, requests, invitations, offers, advice

Indirect speech: questions, requests, invitations, offers, advice

Indirect speech: commands and questions with if-clauses and time clauses

Indirect speech: suggestions

Indirect speech: mixed types

Indirect to direct speech

Purpose PEG chapter

Infinitive used to express purpose

Clauses and phrases of purpose

some, any etc. and relatives
PEG chapters and

some, any and compounds, e.g. somebody, anything, somehow

Relatives: defining, non-defining and connective

Relatives: defining, non-defining and connective

Relatives: non-defining and connective

what and which

whatever, whenever, whoever etc.

Relative clauses replaced by infinitives

PEG chapter

Prepositions: at, to; preposition/adverb: in

Prepositions and prepositions/adverbs: at, by, in, into, of, off, on, out (of), to, under, with

Prepositions and prepositions/adverbs: at, by, during, for, from, in, of, on, over, since, till, under, with

Prepositions and prepositions/adverbs: about, at, away (adverb only), by, for, from, in, into, on, out, to, under, up, with, over

Use and omission of prepositions

till/until, to, for, since, then, after, afterwards

Auxiliaries perfect infinitives
PEG chapters

Auxiliaries perfect infinitives

Auxiliaries perfect infinitives

Auxiliaries perfect infinitives

Present, past and perfect tenses
PEG chapters

The simple present and the present continuous

The simple present and the present continuous

The simple past and the past continuous

The simple past and the past continuous

The simple past and the past continuous

The present perfect with for and since

The present perfect and the simple past

The present perfect and the simple past

The present perfect simple and continuous

The simple past and the past perfect, simple and continuous



Mixed tenses, letters

Mixed tenses: letters

Mixed tenses: telephone conversations

Future forms
PEG chapter

The present continuous and the future simple

The present continuous and be going to

be going to and will infinitive

The future continuous and will infinitive

The future continuous and will (mostly negative)

The future perfect

The present simple and continuous, the future simple and conditional

Conditionals PEG chapter

Conditional sentences: type

Conditional sentences: type

Conditional sentences: type

Conditional sentences: type

Conditional sentences: type

Conditional sentences: type

Conditional sentences: mixed types

Conditional sentences: mixed types

will and shall

would and should

Gerund, infinitive and present participle
PEG chapters

Gerund, infinitive and present participle

Gerund, infinitive and present participle

Unreal pasts and subjunctives
PEG chapters

Unreal pasts and subjunctives

would rather subject past tense

wish subject past, past perfect or conditional

The passive PEG chapter

Active to passive

Active to passive

Active to passive with phrasal verbs

Active to passive with changes of construction

Indirect speech PEG chapter

Indirect speech: statements

Indirect speech: statements

Indirect speech: questions

Indirect speech: questions, advice, requests, invitations, suggestions

Indirect speech: commands, requests, invitations, advice

Indirect speech: commands, requests, advice, suggestions

Indirect speech: mixed types

Indirect speech: sentences with let

Indirect speech: sentences with must, needn't and have to

Indirect speech to direct speech

Time clauses
PEG chapters

Time clauses

Time clauses

when, whenever and as while, because)

Phrasal verbs
PEG chapter

Combinations with get and be

Combinations with look and keep

Combinations with go and come

Combinations with take and run

Combinations with turn, call and break

Combinations with give, put and make

Combinations with clear, cut, fall, hold, let and hand

Mixed combinations

Mixed combinations

Mixed combinations

Mixed combinations

Mixed combinations with compound prepositions/adverbs

Substituting phrasal verbs for other expressions

Substituting phrasal verbs for other expressions

Combinations with off and on

Combinations with up

Combinations with out

Combinations with down, away and over

Mixed combinations used in a connected passage

Mixed combinations used in a connected passage

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