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Capsicum spp.

MEDICINAL: Cayenne, also called capsicum, is very effective added to liniments for all sorts of

arthritis and muscle aches. 11411w229l Internally it benefits the heart and circulation when taken alone or added to

other remedies. It is also used to stimulate the action of other herbs. Capsicum is also used to normalize

blood pressure. It will stop bleeding both externally and internally, making it excellent for use with ulcers.

It is used in antibiotic combinations, for menstrual cramps, and as a part of treatment for depression.

Sprinkle a small amount into socks or shoes to warm the feet during the winter months. It can be taken

safely with NSAIDS, and may help you to reduce your dosages of these common arthritis drugs.

RELIGIOUS: Cayenne pepper scattered around your house will break bad spells. Adding it to love

powders will ensure that your love will be spicy, and can inflame the loved one with passion.

GROWING: Cayenne pepper plants like a good, rich soil, plenty of water, and full sun. The peppers

are dried after ripening. For herbal use, the peppers are usually ground into a powder and mixed with

other powdered herbs in capsules.

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