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Creams Herbs


Creams Herbs

Creams are used to treat skin conditions of all kinds. They can be made by melting petroleum jelly and adding the herbs,

although that is rather messy. A better method is to boil approximately 24124n137y 1 cup of the herb(s) to be used in 3 to 4 cups of water,

in a non-metallic container, for about 15 minutes for leafy herbs and 30 minutes for root herbs to extract the volatile oils. You

can then strain the herbs out, or leave them in if you so desire, depending on the cream you are making. Add 5 ounces of

sesame or olive oil to the water remaining and continue to simmer over low heat until all of the water has evaporated. Melt 2

ounces of beeswax, and stir into the oil mixture. TIP: try to have the wax and the oil near the same temp, and stir like crazy!

After the mixture cools a bit, add 2 teaspoons of Vitamin E oil as a preservative, and mix it in well. Pour into containers and

allow to cool completely. Most creams will keep for up to one year.

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Apreciat: hand-up

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