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Nit-ac - Toes painfully sore.

Phos-ac - Weakness of legs; stumbles all the time.

Agar - Trembling of hands and body generally; stiffness of fingers;

itching of toes and feet as though frostbitten.

Ant-crud - Soles of feet very sensitive; horny growths on feet; finger

nails split easily; warty growths under nails.

Arg-nit - Unsteadiness in walking and standing.

Arn - So sore and bruised in the hips he cannot walk erect.

Berb - Rheumatic pains in extremities.

Calc - Feet damp and cold, with wet stockings.

Caust - Paralysis of joints; paralysis of single parts.

Con - Weak, trembling, numb, as though paralysed.

Dig - Coldness of hands and feet; oedema.

Dulc - Rhematism alternating with diarrhoea.

Gels - Trembling weakness of legs.

Grap - Cracks in the ends of the fingers and between toes.

Hell - Automatic motion of one arm and one leg.

Hep - Hands and feet crack and ulcerate; with gnawing pain.

Kali-carb - Soles of the feet and heels very sensitive.

Nat-mur - Hang-nails; skin about nails dry and cracked.

Petr - Finger tips crack; especially in winter.

Phyt - Burning, lancinating, shooting pain, like electric shocks,

changes location often.

Rhus - Lameness and stiffness when first moving about; prominences of

bones tender to touch.

Sec - Cold and numb, especially in tips of fingers and toes; cramps in

arms and legs, especially extensors; trembling unsteadiness; paralytic weakness; paralysis.

Sil - Finger nails yellow; brittle; ingrowing.

Stan - Legs weak; give out; paralytic weakness; spasmodic twitching in

forearm and hands, making him drop things.

Thuj - Neuralgia with extreme soreness and stabbing pain; nails brittle,


Zinc - Continuous, restless motion of feet.

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