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Eye Training


Eye Training


Like any other muscles, the eye muscles need exercise if they are to be healthy and strong. Much of the time we only shift our gaze minimally from left to right, as when reading, and turn our heads if we want to look elsewhere. By m 434q162e oving the eyes in every direction, without turning your head at all, these five yoga eye exercises will strengthen the muscles, and help to prevent eyestrain and improve eyesight. Breathe normally while you are practicing them.

First look up, then look down. Now look to the far right and then look far left. Next look up to the right, then look diagonally downward to the left. Repeat in the opposite direction. Now imagine a large clock - look up at 12 o'clock, then circle around it clockwise, quite slowly for two rounds then quicker for three. Repeat the exercise in an anti clockwise direction. Lastly, hold your thumb up about a foot from your face, and move your eyes from the thumb to the wall beyond and back. To end always "palm" your eyes as shown below.

Rolling the Eyes

1. Look up; look down (x5).

2. Look far right; look far left (x5).

3. Look top right; look bottom left (x5); look top left; look bottom right (x5).

4. Look up, circle around clockwise (x5); anticlockwise (x5).

5. Look at the thumb, then wall, then back, near to far focusing (x5).


Rub your palms together vigorously until they feel warm. Now cup your hands over your closed eyes, without pressing. The heat and the darkness will soothe and relax your eyes.

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Accesari: 980
Apreciat: hand-up

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