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Head Sul-ac - Sensation as if brain were loose in skull and falling from side to side



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Sul-ac - Sensation as if brain were loose in skull and falling from side

to side.

Ailan - Burning hot, with fever and anxiety.

Arn - Head hot; body cold. 14114l1111o

Aurum - Rush of blood to head.

Calc - Copious sweat about head, wetting pillow.

Carbo-v - Everything feels heavy on head, even hair.

Cic - Sudden violent shocks in head.

Clematis - Itching of scalp; eczema on occiput.

Glon - Head feels enormously enlarged.

Hell - Rolling of head on pillow, from side to side; screaming.

Pod - Rolling of head from side to side; with moaning.

Rheum - Profuse sweating of scalp; hair always wet.

Sul - Scalp dry; scaly eruption on head which burns when scratched;

skin harsh, hair falls out.

Ver-vir - Violent cerebral congestion, threatening convulsions.

Zinc - Forehead cool; base of brain hot.

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