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Evaluation and grading topics


Evaluation and grading topics

Explain the difference between the two acceptations of Culture A. (software/programming of the mind) and Culture B. (intellectual excellence) and comment upon the concept of Human Nature.

Comment upon the concept of civilization.

Enumerate and explain/ 737c212h describe the means to illustrate culture difference manifestations.

Instruments of measuring culture; define and explain them.

Explain and comment upon: as attributes of a certain entity (in this case, culture) diversity, specificity or relativity, are highly improbable to appear as 'sealed off' from the rest of the world. Consequently, they are inevitably bound to interact or get into contact;

Develop upon: are 'surface structure' (the outsiders' perspective and approach) and 'deep structure' (the insiders' perspective and approach) useful assessment criteria of culture shock prevention or avoidance?

Comment upon: if a cross or inter-cultural contact occurs is it always equated to a shock?

Comment upon: may a cross-cultural contact be considered a necessary or a preventable shock?

Explain and comment upon: Is it true/untrue to contemplate and approach culture shock and its impact as a two-way stance of behaviour;

Comment upon: is the prospect of a culture shock a challenge?

Develop upon: is culture shock manageable and if so, in what ways?

Comment upon: knowledge, cultural awareness, cross-cultural competence and the capacity of 'learning how to unlearn' considered indispensable in culture shock prevention and avoidance?

Develop upon: culture shock seen and approached as a challenge, a beneficial and not a traumatic experience.

Explain the terms of: enculturation, acculturation and transculturation.

Comment and develop upon: globalization (characteristics, characteristics, pros. and cons.)

PD as an instrument of measuring a certain culture; comment upon the term.

Comment upon: geographical position, wealth of a nation, size of the population as criteria to differentiate cultures.

Comment upon and provide the opposite: "generally, independence of action, behaviour, opinion, initiative, experimentation is not encouraged."

Comment upon and provide the opposite: "the education process is teacher-centred and, usually, the quality of the learning rests with the excellence of the educator."

Comment upon and provide the opposite: "the goal of education (parental or school) is not to let the children/pupils take control of their own actions, as soon as possible."

Comment upon and provide the opposite: "creativity and originality are not cultivated and assumed acceptance rather than critical evaluation is present".

Comment upon and provide the opposite: "subordinates do not expect to be consulted; interdependence is not manifested through consultation, discussion, debate, team and/or group work and relationships are generally highly emotional." hon ana-------- ----- ------ -------- ----- ------ ----- ----- ---------

Comment upon and provide the opposite: "supervisory/monitoring personnel are abundant; retribution exhibits wide differences and gaps."

Comment upon and provide the opposite: "power is considered basic and legitimate; it takes precedence over the choice between good<> evil, right < > wrong, rational < > irrational, normal < > abnormal etc.; in sum, might prevails over right. This remains a true characteristic for both those in power and for the ordinary citizen (the grass roots)."

Comment upon and provide the opposite: "the legal system (even when the legislation stipulates positive issues) fails to be correctly implemented and, broadly, remains discriminatory; power does not yield to law."

Comment upon and provide the opposite: "in cases when the overall situation reaches critical quotas, the system is usually changed by revolutions and not by evolutionary means. However, even when revolutions occur, in most cases, they cannot be considered a complete success as, after some time, the new actors in power act and behave as their predecessors."

Comment upon: Confucius, Plato and N. Machiavelli providers of principles of 'social dynamism'.

Comment upon and provide the opposite: "tight social networks and social cohesion; the ties between/among individuals are strong and exhibit a high degree of interdependence."

Comment upon and provide the opposite: "fulfilment and reward for personal interests are not expected; the value of the self and uniqueness are not highly appreciated; self-esteem is not primarily based on individual talent but rather on loyalty to institutions and authority (family, school, religious beliefs, organisation etc.)."

Comment upon and provide the opposite: "relationships seem limited but close and intimate; they are not seen as a means to an end; relationships are regarded as an end in themselves and highly valued, built and maintained even at high costs."

Comment upon: "the antecedents or origins of individualism-collectivism seem to be, broadly, the same as those underlying the difference between small and large PD contexts."

Comment upon and provide the opposite: "individuals learn to consider themselves as part of 'we'; confrontation and clash of opinions is not salutary; it is considered rude/impolite and not constructive; loyalty to the group and sharing resources are common behaviour."

Comment upon and provide the opposite: a) preponderantly teacher-centred with reduced two-way communication; b) group formation is rarely done on the spot.

Comment upon and provide the opposite: "purpose of education and learning: mainly oriented towards how to learn as a continuous process, for the entire active life; always encouraging novelty and challenge; skill-formation tailored for the individual's necessities; preparing to be an actor in a society of other individuals."

Comment upon and provide the opposite: a) hiring is based on assessment of skills, rules and capabilities and it does not take into account in-group belonging or affiliation; b) preferential treatment is considered unethical, within the business or in the treatment of customers.

Comment upon and provide the opposite: a) self-adjustment of every individual to the social context is the prevailing goal; b) ideology of the freedom of the individual prevails.

Comment upon: "especially in our modern times, 'pure collectivist' or 'pure individualist' societies are probably difficult to find. Yet, the history of the development of human societies (that has led to this polarization of characteristics) has proved to be a logical and reliable one, as a means of differentiation."

Comment upon: "it is commonplace that the male- female biological differences exist and are the same all over the world. However, these biological constraints only partially establish the social and cultural role (masculine-feminine) of the man and the woman."

Comment upon: "compared with the previous criteria (PD and I-C) approached for pointing out culture differences and specificity, that of the opposition masculinity-femininity (M-F) has revealed features that do not check with the others."

Comment upon: "gender identity and nationality are not innate but rather based upon social and cultural conditions and expectations."

Comment upon and provide the opposite: "the average pupil/student is the norm; education targets modesty, patience, permissiveness; the interest in the subject studied prevails and not future careers."

Comment upon and provide the opposite: "children/pupils are educated towards the basic core values: ambition, assertiveness, competition; educator's and students' excellence, as well as academic reputation, brilliance and performance are dominant and appreciated."

Comment upon the terms: industrial pattern of a country; religion; age and show how they differentiate M-F groups/societies.

Comment upon: origins of uncertainty avoidance (UA).

Describe and comment upon the opposites: Anxiety-Uncertainty; Risk-Fear.

Explain and comment upon:  the uncertainty avoidance index (UAI). 

Comment upon and provide the opposite: "uncertainty is felt as a threat that must be avoided and fought against; risk, the unknown, the unfamiliar and, sometimes, the novelty are causes of deep anxiety."

Comment upon and provide the opposite: "greater social distance between educators and students; a more horizontal relationship; tight rules, prompt control and reprimanding measures in deviant situations; little room is left for doubt.

Comment upon and provide the opposite: "educators are expected to be experts and depositaries of all possible answers."

Comment upon and provide the opposite: "although abundant and strictly enforced, paradoxically, more often than not, rules are not observed and frequently twisted and interpreted."

Comment upon and provide the opposite: "feeling uncomfortable in a tightly structured environment; although not so many, existing rules are always naturally respected and observed, through free will."

Comment upon and provide the opposite: "stimulation of innovative spirit and increased tolerance for deviant ideas; managers mainly focus on ample strategies which, by definition, claim reduced structural frameworks and less routine, daily operations."

Comment upon and provide the opposite: "citizens are frequently prepared and willing to strongly protest against decisions; they do not consider that governments have the right to suppress such forms of protest."

Comment upon and provide the opposite: "citizens have negative feelings and are less confident as regards the efficiency of institutional frameworks, politics and politicians; they do not see themselves capable of influencing or modifying them or their decisions."

Present/analyse/suggest/compare/exemplify, underline positive and negative implications etc. as ways in which values prove to be a relevant and essential component of a certain culture.

Present/analyse/suggest/compare/exemplify, underline positive and negative implications etc. ways in which education proves to be a relevant and essential component of a certain culture.

Develop upon the meaning and implications of the syntagm: "learn how to unlearn, then learn again and act accordingly" in dealing with the concept of culture.

Are culture difference and understanding diversity key issues in dealing with the concept of culture and why?

Develop upon: knowledge, awareness raising, empathy and self-confidence as culture shock avoidance means or 'instruments'?

Comment upon the following: power as force and power as knowledge  and their impact on the development and cultures and civilizations.

Provide arguments and comment upon: is the shift from production economies to economies of knowledge a reality?

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Apreciat: hand-up

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