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Some historical information

In the medieval period, from a romantic biography, it seems that the marquis Ugo of Tuscany, faithful "paladino" of Ottone III (998), received imposing donations and "mansi" in Calenzano. Became later Feud of the Alberti earls of Prato faithful to the Barbarossa (1115), then and finally given "Kalenzanum cum tota curte sua" to the Guidi earls from Henry VI (1191) and 212y246c it is in this period that comes initiated the fortification of the more elevated part of the hill. The castle [roccaforte guelfa] was occupied and burned (1325), after the battle of Montaperti, by Castruccio Castracani and later by the troops of the Visconti of Milan. Florentine republic entrusted the charge of the reconstruction of the Castle to the Strozzi and to the daSommaia that they had big political and economic affair in the land ("contado") of Calenzano. In the 1363 the wall up of the Castle offered hospitality and shelter to the inhabitants of the neighbor Sesto Fiorentino ransacked from Giovanni Acuto (John Hackwood) and his mercenaries

(In effects the fight of Calenzano seems that was important only for those that there have participated).

Castruccio Castracani

Master of Lucca (? 1281-Lucca 1328), child of Gerio Castracani and of Puccia degli Streghi, was an ardent ghibelline. Exiled with the Antelminelli in the 1300, fought in Lombardy, Veneto, Istria. Returned in his country following Henry VII of Luxemburg, he concurred with Uguccione della Faggiola, Master of Pisa and Lucca, to make the triumph of the ghibellines against the Florence (guelf) (battle of Montecatini, 1315). later he removed the dominion of Lucca from Uguccione then he also managed to drive his away from Pisa(1316); for thirteen years he was the head of the Tuscan "Ghibellinismo" and implacable adversary of the Florentines. Master of Lucca for life, named in the 1320 imperial vicar by Frederic, third king of the Romans, and Duke of Lucca and Pistoia in the 1327 by Ludovico IV the Bavaro, fought with success against Florence, that taked away from him the city of Pistoia (battle of Altopascio, 23 September 1325). Recaptured Pistoia, he died after a few time, perhaps poisoned.


The players will arrange the own pieces on the field using a piece of cardboard for hide the line up. Calenzano will take side NORTH and Lucca on the side SOUTH.

At the beginning of the play the Florentines (Allied with Calenzano) won't be lined up on the field; they will be lined up only when the player will give, throwing one die at the beginning of each movement, the score "6": then they will lined up on the EAST side of the field.

The players move alternately all their pieces. The pieces could move in all the ways according to the speed pointed out in the right part of their base 

The speed increases 1 point if going along a road or going in slope, the speed decreases 1 point if going through a wood or going in uphill

The value of a piece, suitable to left of the base, is used for the close fight . It increase of 2 points if the piece is inside the castle or inside a house.

Close Fight.

When two pieces are with the their base in contact (also only of edge) it there could be a engagement that will performed in the following way:

The player that is moving throws a die and sum the value of the die to the value of the piece pointed out in the left part of their base; the same does the other player. He who gets the higher score wins the engagement and he will removes the piece adversary from the play.

In case of two or more pieces in contact between them the engagement goes riven in more single engagements, except in case of two against one, case in which the values of the two adjacent pieces must be added.

Between infantrymen and riders the relationship could be to 3 infantrymen against 1 rider.

Draught with bow and crossbow.

The archers and the crossbowmen could throw an only time in the course of the movement (in alternative to the movement).

The draught takes place only in straight line or diagonally. the target must be pointed out and must not be to a distance superior at 6 squares. A die is thrown and the piece is stricken if the score is, 3 or 5.

The use of the bow or of the crossbow is not possible in the woods.

The "fanteria protetta" can not be injured by bows and crossbows.

Draught with the catapult.

It take place (in alternative to the movement) pointing out first the direction of the draught: ahead, right or left.

In the draught in ahead you can throw two dice.

For the draught to the right or to left you must throw first a die and they are counted the squares in ahead, then throw the second die and they are counted the squares to the right or to left, like select.

draught ahead

draught to right

draught to left

 In the point of arrival come stricken also all the pieces that are in the adjacent squares.

The battle is won or lost when the difference between the sums of the values of the pieces overcomes the 10 and doesn't come reduced within the following movement.

Document Info

Accesari: 1900
Apreciat: hand-up

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