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The Wars of the Roses (1455-1487)


The Wars of the Roses

Henry VI (1422-1461) founded Eton and King's College, Cambridge but he lost all the possessions his father had regained and failed to stop the outbreak of the Wars of the Ro 23223f55x ses (1455-1487). He was murdered in the Tower of London in 1471, after he had become insane. Richard, Duke of York, become Protector.The nobles in the North remained loyal to the King while those in the South deserted him.AT the same time, after the duke's death, his son was proclaimed King of England. Edward IV (1461-1483) inaugurated a new dynasty on the English throne. He named his brother, Richard of Gloucester, as Protector. Edward's heir was only twelve years old when he becomes King. Richard sent the boy king and his brother to the tower where they were killed.

Richard III (1483-1485) is one of England's most controversial characters.Some historians see him as a monster, others as an English prototype of the Renaissance ruler.He improved finances but was never able to ensure the loyalty of his men who betrayed him in the battle at Bosworth where he died.Lord Stanley picked Richard's crown from the battlefield and placed it on Henry Tudor's head.The latter had gathered round him both Lancasterians and Yorkists, all apposing Richard III.

Henry VII (1485-1509) put an end to the Wars of the Roses (called so from the badges of the rival armies: the red Lancaster rose and the white York one) and inaugurated what some historians consider the most glorious period in English history: the century of Tudor rule.

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