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The triumph arch


The triumph arch was uplifted in 1922 of wood on the north zone of the Romanian capital, on the Kiseleff highway, in honor of the unification of all the Romanian territories.

This arch was replaced with a stone one, which was the work of the ahchitect Petre Antonescu, 13213o148n between 1935-1936. Once the necessary sum was collected, in the year 1936 the monument was finalised, and on 1 December in the same year when were celebrated 18 years from the union of Trnsilvania with Romania, had place the inauguration ceremony.The moment was marked by the prezence of king Carol the II, his mother,queen Maria, prince Mihai, the members of the Romanian gouvernment and many other guests from foreign countryes.

The southern front part is beautiful decorated with two bronze medals, which illustrate the faces of king Ferdinand and of queen Maria. These medals are replacing the original ones which were destroyed by the communist regime, after `80. Over each medal is a victory in relief, work of the carvers C. Baraski and M. Constantinescu.

On the northern front part, other two medals have graved the Mankindness and the Faithfulness. The Mankidness illustrates a warrior with a sword, work of I. Jalea, and the Faithfulness illustrates a young man with a cross, work of C. Baraski. The victories over them were executed by the cravers D.Onofrei and C. Medrea.

On the lateral front part are graved the proclamations of the king Ferdinand to the people when the country went in war and the other one with the crowning occasion.

The triumph arch imposes oneself to an honour place, next to the Crowning Cathedral from Alba Iulia, the Mausoleum from Marasesti or the tomb of the unknown hero from Carol Park.

Today, The triumph arch reprezents one of the symbols well knowned of the Romanian capital, Bucharest.

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