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Was The Apollo Moon Landing In 1969 Faked?


Was The Apollo Moon Landing In 1969 Faked?

About This Article This article is presented as a conspiracy theory, it has been compiled from various sources by Xander Mahony and is written from an Apollo Hoax believer's point of view. It cannot be guaranteed that all the 'evidence' that this conspiracy theory contains is genuine or accurate and I do not wish to cause any discomfort to anyone who was involved in the Apollo Program. I have not given any evidence to support the fact that the moon landings did take place and were genuine becuase that is not the purpose of this article, if you wish to debate this topic I recommend that you visit the UFO Forum <>.


Everyone knows about the first moon landing in 1969. We have all seen the footage and heard those few famous poetic, words proclaimed 656c215g by Neil Armstrong as he claimed our only natural satellite for America. It was a historic moment of human achievement, for the first time in recorded history, man had propelled himself to another world.

So, why are people questioning that this event actually happened? There is plenty of evidence for the motion and all NASA has to defend itself with is 'Why and how could we fake such a huge operation which was watched by millions and took a decade of research and funding?'

First of all I would like to say that NASA do have a point, for once. If they had faked the landing, they took the risk of the Russians finding out and publicly laughing at NASA and America. Now, having given NASA their due, giving them one sentence in support, which I have done incidentally, not because I hate NASA or because I am certain that this event was just a Hollywood epic, the prequel to 'Apollo 13'. I have done that because the whole point of this article is to put forward some queries about the pictures, footage and scientific facts about the moon landing, leaving you to make up your own mind.

At this point, those of you who strongly believe the moon landing took place, especially if you watched it back In 1969 and remember the excitement about how technologically advanced our race was becoming, will be thinking something along the lines of "Why would anybody be so stupid as to try and fool the whole world thinking they would get away with it?" The answer to that question is hard in one aspect and easy in another. The hard part is, how on Earth did NASA think they would get away with hoaxing such a milestone, that question I seriously cannot answer, it seems very nadve, especially when considering the average IQ of these men would have been verging on 200. The other part of the question, why did NASA fake the moon landing, is relatively easy. It was a widely held opinion at the time that whoever won this leg of the space race would also win the cold war. So this, and the fact that in 1961 the President of the USA, John F. Kennedy had said that within the decade America would put man on the moon, seem like good enough motives to fake the moon landing.

Photographs and Videos

I am now going to detail some of the many inconsistencies in the videos supposedly taken on the Lunar surface:

1. There is no atmosphere on the moon due it its low gravity, so how exactly is the US flag in the picture blowing in the Lunar Wind? You cannot explain this away by saying someone had just moved quickly past the flag because this would have no effect on the flag either with no air to be displaced.

To watch a Real Player video of this Click Here (576kb) <>.

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<> 2. The cameras were fitted with crosshairs to make analysis of the photos easier for NASA, these crosshairs were on the lens of the camera. So they would obviously be in front of everything in the picture, the following photos show this to be untrue. This picture shows part of a crosshair to be behind a piece of equipment. This pictures shows part of a crosshair to be behind a radio. How can this happen?

3. While on the moon, the LM (Lunar Module) did not move at all, the base of it never left the moon, so how can these two pictures, obviously of the same place due to the identical hills in the background, not both show the LM?
This suggests the use of a film studio with set backgrounds being used.
4. Here we have two new pictures, which are like the previous two, but the anomaly lies in the foreground, the story is, the astronauts walk down the hill in the first picture, which is at quite a distinct angle with plenty of distinct rocks on it. Then the astronauts get on the Rover (moon buggy) and travel 2.5 miles away. Then, in true Blair Witch Project style, they walk down the exact same hill, incredible!
5. There are many examples of this and I could flood you with pictures, but I think this is one of the best ones on the subject. It shows an astronaut on the moon with the sun behind him, which interestingly has a halo, an effect only seen when viewed through an atmosphere, so this picture was obviously not taken on the moon. How, if the sun was the only source of light on the moon, is the front of this astronaut lit up? This again points to the pictures and videos being made on a movie set because they have used many light sources.

6. This is another topic for which I could provide many images, but this one has notation and makes the point very clear.
How can shadows from the sun intercept each other? This again shows that many light sources were used when filing the videos, something which was not available to the astronauts on the moon.
7. In this picture, there are two letter 'C's, one is on a rock and one is on the ground, if this was a movie set, which I'm certain it is, the C means centre of the shot, sceptics claim this to be just a hair, which is a very laughable theory.

Bill Kaysing, head of technical publications and advanced research at Rocketdyne Systems from 1956 to 1963 estimated that there is a 0.0017% chance of surviving a trip to the moon, there are many things which can kill you: radiation, solar flares and meteorites.

On pictures taken by a Russian spy satellite of Groom Lake Military Base (AREA51), you can clearly see a section of the desert which is totally clear of any plants. This area of land has craters on it, and it looks exactly like the surface of the moon. On closer inspection, one of the craters is identical to a crater supposedly seen by the crew of the Apollo 12 mission from their LM as it landed. The picture also shows hangers which look similar to the kind of buildings you would find at Hollywood, the whole set up looks like a movie studio.

As the LM landed with the astronauts in it, you could clearly hear the voices of the men, but there was no other sound, surly the engines of the LM would be heard firing as it approached the lunar surface.

When the LM left the moons surface it looked like very old-fashioned movie special effects. It jumped of the base as though a cable had hoisted it up suddenly and there was no exhaust ploom as the engines fired.

The cameras used to take all of the pictures were on the front of the astronauts suits, they had no view finder, all they could do was point themselves at what they wished to take a pictures of and hope. So, how were thousands of amazingly lined up, almost 'posed' pictures taken? This is another piece of evidence, which points towards a film crew making the videos. The bulky design of the spacesuits only made taking a decent picture more difficult.

On the moon, if you are stood in sunshine, it is 250 degrees above, if you are in any shadow, such as that of the LM, the temperature is 250 degrees below. The spacesuits were well designed with layers of different material each doing their own job, but the fact that no Apollo astronaut ever suffered serious illness is incredible.

The Russians have revealed that they never thought about going to the moon because they had no idea what the radiation would do.

Russia have never sent their cosmonauts to the moon and NASA have no plans to send astronauts there (again?).

The moon landing, if it is a movie, would be the most expensive movie ever made.

The most powerful telescope in the world does not have the power to see if remnants of the lunar missions are still on the moons surface as they should be. However in 2 years time the Japanese are sending an orbiter to the moon to take close up photos of the entire surface, this should prove whether NASA went to the moon, or would NASA let the Japanese tell the world of their findings, would NASA send up empty LMs and robots to make footprints and place flags, or is this the reason President Bush wants a missile defence system?

Just months before the Apollo 11 mission, Armstrong can bee seen testing the Lander at an air base, he crashes it after never really being in full control of the craft, ejecting at the last moment. He was never going to be able to fly the Lander successfully or safely on the mission.

This is quoted form the National Geographic Magazine in their Q+A section.
Q When Alan Shepard hit a golf ball on the moon, did it come back to the surface, or was the moon's gravity too weak?
A In 1971, astronaut Alan Shepard, an avid golfer, hit two golf balls with a makeshift six iron he smuggled aboard the Apollo 14 mission. He joked that the ball flew 'miles and miles and miles' in the moon's low gravity, one-sixth that of the Earth. Actually both shots landed in the moon dust less than a hundred yards away.

The moon has low gravity and no atmosphere, so if someone who was an avid golfer hit a ball on the moon it would literally go for miles. The only possible suggestion I have for a golfer not being able to make a 2000yard drive is the spacesuit getting in his way or the low gravity conditions making things difficult. I still believe that this does point towards the footage being filmed on Earth, though, hence the golf shot being just pretty average with the spacesuit obstructing his swing.


One of the things which tripped NASA up the most was how they replicated 1/6 of Earth's Gravity. The way NASA tried to achieve this effect was by taking footage on the Earth's surface and then halving the speed of the videos. This does, at first sight, look like low gravity conditions, however what this does not change is the stride (or hop) length, or the height the astronauts jump to, because the footage is slow, they appear to be jumping far and high for their speed. If you double the speed of the moon footage, everything looks like it is in a 10 Newtons/Kilogram gravitational field strength, i.e. on Earth. To give the astronauts that extra bit of bounce NASA used cables to hold them up, if you look very closely at some of the footage you can see the cables. Its like pausing The Matrix so you can see the few frames where the camera crew are reflected in Neo's sunglasses. However, slightly more convincing than seeing the cables is seeing their effects. One astronaut falls over, then, without either help from his colleague or using his arms to push himself back up, he returns to an upright position.

People Against NASA

NASA did have its critics around the time of the moon landing, there were people who said NASA was unsafe and people who knew too much in relationship to the size of their mouth. So plenty of people died, maybe god wanted the achievement of his achievement to remain plausible. Gus Grissom was a veteran space traveller, he frequently spoke out about NASA, he criticized them and infamously said 'Someone is going to get killed', that someone was him. He was inside the capsule, which caught fire just before take-off, communication had failed and the whole crew perished. The families of the men think the fire was not an accident, Bethy Grissom, Gus's widow, wants NASA to come forward and tell the truth about the Apollo missions. The capsule remains locked away at a military base.

Charles Barrent submitted a 500 page report to NASA about their safety, he said such things as: 'The Apollo program is in a huge mess, they will never make it to the moon'. One week later a train hit his car killing him, his wife and his stepdaughter, the report disappeared.

Between 1964 and 1967, 10 astronauts lost their lives in freak accidents. It is believed that very few people at NASA know the whole picture of what happened, this minimises the chances of a leak. A rocket engineer, who worked for the company producing the rocket engines for the Apollo program reported many problems and unreliability issues prior to the mission.


Around our planet are huge radiation bands, it is up for debate how thick they are, but estimations show that the Apollo astronauts would spend approximately four hours in the radiation. This is possibly the strongest proof we have against the moon landings ever taking place. There are two natural bands of radiation called the Van Allen belt, the first being just under 300 miles from Earth. No other space projects have ever gone into these deadly areas apart from the Apollo missions. In 1962, the US government implemented Operation Starfish Prime, they tried to use a megaton nuclear bomb to blast a hole in the radiation, in their infinite wisdom they made the radiation worse, by 2002 this third band will still have 25 times the amount of radiation than the natural bands.

There is no way for astronauts to get through this radiation without having at least: hair loss, severe sickness, vomiting and diarrhoea, impaired vision, and death within a two month period, however no Apollo astronauts ever suffered illness from travelling through the radiation.

Sunspot activity follows an 11 year cycle, every 11 years there is a the greatest amount of radiation, one of these peaks was between 1969 and 1970, there is no way men stood that radiation and made it to the moon. Between the Apollo 16 and 17 mission, one of the worst solar flares on record occurred, this would have given enough radiation to instantly kill and astronaut, however the astronauts were fine, they were safely away in AREA51.

What Happened

On July 16th 1969, Apollo 11 set off on a 250,000 mile, 8-day voyage to the moon. So, everyone saw the astronauts take off, that was not fake, however, they never went to the moon, they simply orbited for 8 days and then rentered the Earth's atmosphere 8 days later. The satellites were not there back then for the rocket to be detected, so the astronauts were safe, up in their low orbit, while back on Earth the world watches previously recorded videos of the astronauts on the moon. These videos had been filmed at AREA51 and were broadcast to the TV stations around the world. The world watched Neil Armstrong descend the ladder of a Lander he couldn't fly properly, onto the desert in AREA51.

Thanks to Cosmic Conspiracies <> for kindly letting me use thier images in this article.

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