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human resources


Race  1

What is a Jew? 2

Love and Hate 4

Abortion  4

Euthanasia  5

Feminism  7

Religion  7


I have created this site to address the issue of RACE and other issues as they apply to race. I hope to inform those who have been misled by political correctness. I also hope to inspire those who already know the truth to actively work for the best interests of their race.


State of the Race

The White birthrate is well below replacement levels throughout the world!!

The non-white birthrate is well above replacement levels throughout the world!!

White nations throughout the world are being deluged with non-white immigrant invaders!!

White nations throughout the world have policies of forced integration!!

White nations throughout the world have their media controlled by an alien group (Jews) who use this control to promote ideas that are bad for our race such as miscegenation, integration and white racial self hatred.

The basics on Race

How many times have we heard some misguided soul parroting the lie that there are no biological differences between the races and that race is only skin color. Nothing could be further from the truth. Race encompasses much more than skin color. There are big differences between the races. Physical racial differences alone encompasses hair texture, eye configuration, facial structure, body structure, height and head size. Of course, all these things I have mentioned are visible to the naked eye.

There are also major racial differences in behavioral patterns such as being law abiding, sexual permissiveness, and creativity. These assertions are reinforced by unbiased scientific studies.

As you can see, race is FAR more than just skin color. We are proud to acknowledge the TRUTH about race.

White Supremacy

Our main focus is racial separation the preservation of the White race. Racial superiority is a side issue. The term "White Supremacy" tends to be used as a buzzword that is meant to vilify us. Saying the White race is superior is a generalization. There are good non-white with redeemable qualities who are worthy of respect. There are some bad White people with few redeemable qualities who are worthy of little respect. This blurs the picture for many people.

On the other hand, White people have been conditioned to be racially self-hating. Pointing out our strengths as a race like creativity, adventurism and physical beauty, as well as informing people of the great accomplishments of the White race in technology, science, literature and civilization building is a great remedy for racial self-hatred and false White guilt. This can be construed as promoting White supremacy. If it helps the race, so be it! Just because White supremacy is a generalization that doesn't apply to everyone doesn't make the basic premise wrong.

White Guilt

I should say FALSE White guilt. Most of the guilt trips Whites have been put on are based on misleading or false premises. There's m 757o1411h ore than enough reasonable doubt about the holocaust. Two JEWS, Norm Finklestien and David Cole have provided compelling evidence that debunks the version of the holocaust that most Jews insist on.

It was wrong to have taken the Blacks as slaves. How badly these slaves were mistreated, I don't know. What I do know is that a number of Blacks are on a mission to pay us back. For the last 30 years, Black on White crime has out numbered White on Black crime by a 10 to 1 ratio. I'm not talking about petty crime. I'm talking about assault, rape, and murder.

The most guilt we seem to feel is towards the North American Indians. We are constantly reminded of how we took their land and killed them. Some recent mtDNA studies have pokes some holes in this guilt trip. Even if the White man was brutal to the Indians hundreds of years ago, it still doesn't change the fact that the Indians have benefited from the White man's technology. You don't see any Indians trading in their car for a horse, or their heated house for a tepee.


Notice how race is always important when looking at alleged wrong doing by Whites against non-whites. However, when you talk about White separatism or White supremacy, all of a sudden race doesn't matter, it's only skin color. We can deal with accusations of wrong doing. Just so long as you don't tell us race is unimportant. Race is very important. One of the most important factors in life is race. Race is the most important factor in dating, marriage, procreation, adoption, and were you live. The racial makeup of a area or nation will make or break that area or nation. Compare Haiti to Iceland, then tell me race is not important.

What is White?

This is a great question. The answer will vary from person to person. I have crystallized my own method of determining who is White and who is not. Here are the details.

The Maternal and Paternal Line Rule

If you're 1/4 non-white, 3/4 White, you LOOK White, and it's your father's mother or mother's father who is the non-white grandparent, you're White.

If you're 1/4 non-white, 3/4 White, and a male who's father's father is non-white, you're NOT White.

If you're 1/4 non-white, 3/4 White, and a female who's mother's mother is non-white, you're NOT White.

If you're 1/4 non-white, 3/4 White, and a male who's mother's mother is non-white, or a female who's father's father is non-white, it goes on a case by case basis.

If you're 1/8th non-white, and 7/8th White, in most cases you're White. The exceptions to this would be a male who's great grandfather along the direct paternal line was non-white, or a female who's great grandmother along the direct maternal line was non-white. In fact a female who is 1/16th, 1/32nd or 1/64th non-White along the direct maternal line may still be considered mixed. However, their male children would be considered White. The same applies to males who are 1/16th, 1/32nd or 1/64 non-White along the direct paternal line. However, their female children would be considered White

The rules set fourth for 1/4 and 1/8th non-white people, in many cases, do NOT apply if the non-white ancestor is Black. This because the Black genome is so radically different from the White genome.

If you're a 1/2 White, 1/2 non-white, and a male with a non-white mother and a White father, you're mixed.

If you're a 1/2 White, 1/2 non-white, and a male with a non-white father and a White mother, you're completely NON-WHITE.

If you're a 1/2 White, 1/2 non-white, and a female with a non-white father and a White mother, you're mixed.

If you're a 1/2 White, 1/2 non-white, and a female with a non-white mother and a White father, you're completely NON-WHITE.

Why the Emphasis on Maternal and Paternal lines?

The reason I put emphasis on direct maternal and paternal lines is because of mtDNA and Y chromosomes. A person's mtDNA is only passed from mother to child. Y chromosomes are only passed from father to child. Women can only pass on their mtDNA. Men can only pass on their Y chromosome. Y chromosomes and mtDNA are carried on for countless generations. I prefer that mtDNA and Y chromosomes are consistent with the race that the individual appears to be.

Why so Liberal?

A common view in the White Nationalist community regarding the question of "who is White?" is the 1/16th rule. Given the large percentage of 1/4 and 1/8th non-whites that we have today, is the 1/16th rule reasonable under these conditions? This would exclude a lot of people who look White, who pose little or no threat to the race, and are ingrained in our society. It just makes more sense to include as many people as we can WITHIN REASON.

When I say '"White" it is meant more as a loose definition, as opposed to something we carve in stone. The implications of being not White would mean that you cannot live among, or marry White people. Because of this serious implication, I try to be as fair as possible.

If you do think about seriously dating someone who might be part something, PLEASE look into their family tree. Screen them. Make sure everything is fine, at least along direct maternal and paternal lines.

I feel the Maternal and Paternal line rule strikes a balance between protecting the sanctity of the White race and being reasonable with people who are not "100% pure".


What is a Jew?

I want to attempt to come up with an objective definition of what a Jew is. The Jews purposely make it very unclear as to "what is a Jew?" Here's what I've come up with.

A Jew is a:

1 Religion

2 Mind-set

3 Race

A Jew can easily be all 3.

A Jew can be 2 out of these 3.

A Jew is at least 1 out of these 3.

It varies from Jew to Jew.

Jews as a Religion

The Jews have a religion they call Judaism. Unlike Christianity and Islam, which are universalistic in nature, Judaism is ethnocentric. For the most part, Jews are born into Judaism. Sometimes people convert to Judaism. Not very often. Unlike Christians and Muslims, Jews don't go around trying to convert anyone. The Jews have a book called the Talmud.

Jews as a mind-set

The Jewish mind-set is anti-white in nature. The collective jewish mind-set is to want what is best for Jews at the expense of non-jews (the goy). The White race is a big competitor with the Jews throughout the world, so in their minds, we must be destroyed. The Palestinians and Arabs are competitors to the Jews in Israel. This is why the Jews conspire against and have a hatred for White gentiles and Palestinians. Jews are no friends of Muslims or true Christians. A Jew can be described as a conspirator against all men of all races for the benefit of the few.

Jews a Race

This is the most controversial issue concerning Jews. The typical Jew is a West Asian Ashkenazi. The Ashkenazi Jew generally has a hooked nose, black wavy hair, and swarthy skin. This type of Jew is most definitely not White!! The other main type of Jew is the Sephardic Jew. This type of person is swarthy with black hair, like a typical person from the Middle East. This type of Jew is also not White.

Why are Jews incompatible with us?

It comes down to Jewish organizations, a general Jewish social agenda and an inodinate number of Jews in sensitive powerful positions in society.

Jewish Organizations

Jewish organizations are very anti-White in nature. The first people to speak out against a race-conscious White person working for the best interest of the White race is usually some demagogue from a Jewish organization. These Jewish organizations include the Anti-Defamation League, the b'nia brith the Jewish Defense League, The Simon Wiesenthal Center, the Southern Poverty Law Center and the Canadian Jewish Congress, just to name a few. One of the top mandates of these Jewish groups is to sabotage, defame, bankrupt and destroy all effective pro-White organizations and people by any and all means possible!

Jewish Social Agenda

Over the last 50 years, there have been an inordinate number of Jews supporting and promoting a variety of leftist causes. These include racial integration, civil rights, open border non-White immigration, anti-racism (White racism), feminism, abortion on demand, gay rights, disabled rights and anti-euthanasia for the severely disabled. These left-wing causes benefit narrow individual special interest at the expense of our society and our race as a whole. There is a clear pattern of Jews supporting destructive left-leaning causes in an attempt to weaken and destroy Western society and the White race as a whole.

How do they do this?

Jews are only 2% of the population. How would the Jews go about successfully promoting destructive and illogical egalitarian causes at the expense of the majority? They have succeeded because the Jews have gained a monopoly of our news and entertainment media. About 75% of Hollywood and 80% of the news media, both television and print, is controlled by Jews. With control of the media, they gain control of the masses. The jews also gain an inordinate presents in government and the euducation system. With this triple whammy of Jewish control in media, government and education, the Jews inordinate power and use that power against the White majority.



1 WE LOVE our White race.

2 WE LOVE precious White children.

3 WE LOVE the beauty of a White woman.

4 WE LOVE racially conscious people of the White race.

5 WE LOVE traits in people such as intelligence, beauty, charisma, work ethic, loyalty, creativity, morality, strength, courage, kindness, honesty, and racial consciousness.

6 WE LOVE truth and honesty.

7 WE LOVE what is good.

Much of our motivation is derived from love. We also hate. We hate whatever threatens what we love.


1 WE HATE politically correct, egalitarian, Marxist and communist ideologies (created by jews) that promote the lie of equality and suppress the truth.

2 WE HATE when we hear of Blacks committing violent, senseless crimes against White people at a 10:1 ratio when compared to White-on-Black crime.

3 WE HATE when we see some short, ugly Asian, Indian or colored woman with a average or above average White man, who we know can do better! Often times these White men are being used as a vehicle just to get citizenship in a White country where these women don't belong.

4 WE HATE when we see an attractive White woman with a Black, Asian, Indian, or mixed breed male! Of course, the White man who objects to this is supposedly the asshole, rather than the non-White male who is defiling our women.

5 WE HATE when we see White nations like the United States, Canada, Australia and especially our European homelands being invaded by non-White immigrants and refugees! Again, any White person who objects is supposedly an asshole, not the alien non-Whites who are invading.

6 WE HATE when White couples adopt non-white children. Often from a foreign country. Spending half their lives and most of their money on children who look nothing like them, and are likely to eventually marry a White person and water down our gene pool.

7 WE HATE the fact that the Jews have taken control over our news media, entertainment industry, government ,and education system and using this control to undermine and destroy the White race.

8 WE HATE the desecration of human life by taking brain injury victims and hooking them up to life support, not allowing death with honor, instead transforming a healthy, vibrant human being into a severely disabled vegetable.

9 WE HATE human traits such as stupidity, ugliness, rudeness, sloth, immorality, vice, and a lack of racial consciousness.

10 WE HATE deception and dishonesty.

11 WE HATE what is evil.


As you can see, WE DO HATE! The question is, are we wrong to hate? Under the circumstances enumerated above, our hatred is 100% JUSTIFIED! It is a perfect and holy hatred! Everybody hates to some degree or another. At least we hate for a damn good reason, wouldn't you say?



The abortion debate has raged on for years. Now I feel it is appropriate to give my position on this issue. I have adopted a third position. I am neither pro-choice nor pro-life. In general, the pro-choice side believes that every woman should have the right to an abortion, regardless of the reason or lack of reason. The pro-life side believes that every foetus should be protected, regardless of the circumstances or conditions of the foetus. Both sides of this debate base their arguments on the idea of equality. Both sides are wrong since every circumstance is different and because the idea of equality is a lie. Neither side factors race into this issue.

The problem with pro-choice

Study after study shows that 90% of abortions are performed for what amount to reasons of convenience. We find this repugnant because, more often than not, it is a potentially healthy, productive White baby that is being aborted. The waiting list for adopting a healthy White baby is about seven years. This is far too long a wait. This waiting time could be cut dramatically if there were more restrictions put on abortions. In many cases, White couples get impatient and will adopt a non-White baby instead of waiting for a White baby. What we have is White babies being aborted and being replaced by non-White babies. Non-White children that are raised in White families are 4 to 6 times more likely to eventually intermarry with a White person. Many of these White couples would instead adopt White children if the waiting lists weren't so long. Abortion on demand is even worse in White nations because our birthrate is already below replacement levels. The pro-choice fanatics believe that a woman's right to choose supercedes everything. Including the low White birthrate and the implications that has on the adoption issue.

The problem with the pro-life side

There are circumstances in which abortion is acceptable, if not preferable. These include reasons such as rape, incest, maternal health and especially if the foetus is deformed and will be born with a severe mental or physical disability. Unfortunately, we do not have the compassion or common sense to euthanize our most severely disabled. This being the case, abortion should remain an option. Drug and alcohol abuse should be taken into account, since substance abuse can cause brain damage. Abortion should also be an option if the mother is a different race than the father. Last, but not least, abortion should be promoted in overpopulated areas like India, Africa, Central America and South East Asia, although our concern is primarily for the well-being of our own societies. The fanatical pro-life advocates oppose abortion in nearly all circumstances, including the circumstances I mentioned.


If you think about it, our third position is really the most logical, too logical for the politically correct crowd. They would rather encourage endless debate between two factions that both completely disregard the implications of abortion and euthanasia on our race.


Euthanasia, disabled rights and the misuse and abuse of medical technology are some of the biggest issues of today. If disabled rights was about raising money for research to find cures for Paralysis, Autism, and Parkinson's Disease, I'd be all for it. If euthanasia was about killing off the elderly, mildly disabled and mildly retarded people with Down Syndrome, I'd be against it. This is just not the case.

At this time, it is legal to murder a potentially healthy productive White baby through abortion. At the same time, it is illegal and punishable by life sentence to kill a severely retarded or brain damaged person who needs 24 hour a day care at tax payers expense for perhaps the next 60 to 80 years. At this time, it is common practice to misuse and abuse medical technology resuscitating and keeping alive a person with a brain injury, transforming a healthy, productive, precious human life into a severely handicapped being, thus desecrating a human life! Medical technology is being misused and abused by murdering unborn life with unlimited potential. There's something wrong with this picture!!

Euthanasia and Race

One cause often overlooked as a tool used to weaken and destroy the White race is this realm of so-called disabled rights, euthanasia, and the misuse and abuse of medical technology. The disabled rights movement seems to be about promoting the idea of equality to the most absurd extreme possible. The disabled rights people believe that even the most severely retarded being is absolutely equal to everyone, no questions asked!

How does this all tie into race? White couples that are enslaved to severely disabled child will be less likely to have more White children. A severely disabled child consumes so much time, energy and money. Even if they want other children, they're to tired and broke to do it. This lowers the birthrate of healthy White children.

The severely disabled who needed 24 hour a day care put a strain on the taxpayer who has to foot the bill for the caregiver that is paid a lot of money to look after them. The medical system is strained when a brain damaged person is kept alive on a machine indefinitely with no hope of recovery. Higher taxes and a strained medical system are bad for society as a whole, thus bad for the race.

There's a more sinister motive by our enemies. If a person can accept a being that can't walk, talk or feed itself, who is possibly less intelligent than a dog or a monkey, and less self supportive than an insect or tree, if you can accept such a being as equal to everyone and worthy of every resource available to keep them alive, doesn't it then make it easier for that same person to be more accepting of race mixers, non-White immigrant invaders, Jews and homosexuals? You bet it does!!!! After all, race mixers, non-White immigrant invaders, Jews, Blacks and homosexuals often have redeemable qualities such as intelligence, good looks, charisma, work ethic, or some other useful talent. In fact, most of these people are probably not all bad. On the other hand, a severely retarded or brain damaged person probably has NO redeemable qualities. If you can love and embrace people with no redeemable qualities, the sky is the limit. The severely disabled are not only helpless, they are used by our adversaries as a vehicle to promote a racially destructive collective mind-set of fanatical tolerance.

If a person with everything going for them can be transformed through the misuse and abuse of medical technology to a severely disabled freak, it gives the egalitarian fanatic an opportunity to say, "I told you we were all equal". In the mean time, family and friends of the brain damage victim are completely demoralized by this sudden, hideous and unnatural transformation.

Don't wish this on my worst enemy

I mean this literally. There are a couple of good examples. In high school and shortly after graduation, the beautiful White Denise Richards (now married to Charlie Sheen) had an Asiatic boyfriend. I believe this person is Filipino. Denise Richards and this Asian dated for 2 to 3 years, until they finally drifted apart after they left high school. Denise Richards has gone on to live a storybook life. Her ex-boyfriend hasn't been so lucky. This Asian was in a car accident where he suffered a severe brain injury. Now he is unable to speak and can barely walk. He spends most of his time in a wheelchair being looked after by his mother. The other example is a Jewess who went down to Honduras to find non-white children for White couples to adopt. Some of the local people believed that she was kidnapping children for this purpose. This Jewess got beaten up so badly that she is now a severely handicapped vegetable being looked after in a nursing home.

Both these people were horrible. Both these people were our racial enemies. Both these people deserved to be punished. Right now, it would be better if both these people dead! NOT because of who they are, and what they have done, but IN SPITE of who they are and what they have done. Being kept alive with a severe brain injury is too harsh a punishment for even the WORST of people.

Canadian Perspective

Here in Canada, left wing communists have just gone off the deep end with this issue. In 1989, the Supreme Court decided to fully integrate ALL handicapped children into the regular school system. This included the most SEVERELY disabled and retarded individuals. Each of these so-called students need a teacher's aid with them at all times to look after all of their needs, like changing their diapers, wiping drool off their faces and calming them down when they start to grunt and moan. This teacher's aid is hired at the expense of the taxpayer. Looking through the 1993 grad class pictures in my local paper, I saw that they dressed up some severely retarded, cross-eyed beings in graduation gowns and had them as part of the grad class! It's hard to believe the depths to which we have sunk!

It is not just school children that are having the severely disabled rammed in their face. The government pays care aides a lot of taxpayer's money to look after the severely disabled 24 hours a day. However, instead of looking after them behind closed doors, these care aides are encouraged to cart these severely disabled beings around town. You will see these care aids wheeling these severely handicapped beings on the street, in the park, and at the mall. When you see these people at the mall, they are rarely there to shop. They just need a place to cart these beings around. It appears to be pointless, unless you are of the opinion that the more people are confronted with the severely handicapped, the more tolerant they will become.

Meanwhile, our Canadian government was spending millions of dollars prosecuting and imprisoning Robert Latimer for euthanizing his severely handicapped child, who couldn't walk, talk or feed herself. Robert Latimer's child was resuscitated at birth, only to enslave her family for the next 12 years, not to mention all of the taxpayer's money that was spent on her medical and "school" expenses. The government kept this child alive by artificial means at the taxpayers expense. Robert Latimer euthanized his child, which would have saved the taxpayer countless dollars if it wasn't for the fact that they turn around and spend MORE tax money persecuting Robert Latimer in the courts.


So why is all of this condoned? Does it make sense to waste hundreds of millions of taxpayer's money on beings that need 24 hour a day care from cradle to grave? Does it make any sense to enslave families of severely handicapped children? Does it make any sense to use medical technology to keep people alive, just so they can live another 30 years as a severely disabled vegetable? Does it make any sense to transform a healthy, productive, precious human life into a severely handicapped vegetable, thus desecrating that human life and destroying their soul? NO! None of this makes sense unless your goal is to demoralize, weaken and destroy White society. How else do you explain such a defiance of logic? The fact that the Jewish-dominated media and the government collaborate with these radical so-called disabled rights activists says a lot about the present powers that be.


I encourage all of you to support the brave people who have risked everything and stood up for what is right on this issue. The fact that two of of the three men listed below are in jail should demonstrate to everyone were the politically correct Jew world order stands on this issue.


As we all know, feminists encourage women to pursue careers of all types. They imply that a career is more important than having a family. Encouraging White women to put careers ahead of having children has resulted in a lower White birthrate. This low birthrate in the White Western world has given the governments an excuse, or in their minds, some justification to let in more non-White immigrants to compensate for labor shortages.

Feminists have encouraged women to take jobs that men are naturally more qualified for, such as firefighters, police, combat soldiers and trades people. They have even gone so far as to lower standards with certain jobs just to fill some quotas that the feminists themselves created. This has caused tension between men and women that should never exist.

Feminists give White women victim status along with non-Whites by claiming that women have been discriminated against for jobs over the years. This gives White women a reason to relate to non-Whites. A very cunning ploy.

Feminists love to demean White men. In reality, White men are the most progressive race of men in the world. Africans practice female genital mutilation. Asians and East Indians will often abandon and sometimes kill female offspring in the hope that their next child will be a boy. By comparison, White men are very progressive. It's alarming how some feminists walk on eggshells when it comes to real issues concerning women in the non-white third world. Yet, at the same time, pursue their campaign of hate against White men. It seems the feminists have an ulterior motive.

Feminism is basically a Jew created ideology geared towards White women in an attempt to help weaken, demoralize and destroy the White race.

Other side of the issue

On the other hand, a White woman shouldn't have to be a submissive slave. A woman shouldn't have to put up with any crap. I encourage women to learn self defense. I find women's boxing to be entertaining. I enjoy various types of women's sports. I love to see women working out, staying fit and being strong. White women are an equal partner with White men in the defense and survival of our race.


Religion is a personal choice. I am reluctant to support or condemn religion since it can be such a decisive issue. I will come out in full support of Christian Identity, Odinism, and Creativity because of the way these 3 religions deal with the race issue.

Other religions get mixed reviews.

Islam: I see this religion as being geared more for non-whites. It just does not seem like the right fit for a White person. I won't condemn a White person for being Muslim. I just won't encourage it. Non-white Muslims can be a serious threat, especially if they are in a predominately White nation. At worst, Muslims will form terrorist cells, like the group that pulled off the 9/11 attacks in New York. At the very least, they introduce a non-white, universalistic religion to a White country that we just don't need.

Buddism: Don't know much about it other than it is Asian in origin, NOT European. Therefore not a really good fit for a White person.

Judaism: Very anti-white in nature. It is difficult to be a practicing Jew and a White Nationalist at the same time.

Sikhism: This religion is non-white in origin. I never heard of any White person adhering to this faith. This religion I very much support and appreciate. The reason why is that, here in Canada, the 2nd largest group of non-white immigrants are East Indians. A good percentage of these East Indians are Sikhs. This religion requires a certain dress code. The men are required to wear turbans and grow a long beard. The women are required to wear a Sari. This dress code sets Sikhs apart from everyone else, especially White people. This religious dress code has served the White race very well. Living in Canada, I have seen countless East Indians. I have NEVER in my life seen a TURBAN wearing East Indian with a White women. Or a Sari wearing East Indian with a White man. I can't say the same for East Indians that dress "just like us". In general, Sikhism is a good thing.

Mainstream Christianity: This is a very important issue, due to the high percentage of White people in North America and around the world who adhere to this faith. I have mixed feelings. There are pros and cons to mainstream Christianity that I want to examine.

Positive Aspects

On average, White Christian couples have larger families, or produce more White children than non-Christian White couples.

Christianity has been intertwined with White European people for centuries. It has become part of who we are and the societies we have created.

If a Christian truly practices what they preach, it is mostly positive.

Some Christians confront the politically correct establishment on the issue of homosexuality. For myself, homosexuality is a secondary issue. I am personally more offended and threatened by miscegenation (which is condemned in the bible) At the same time, I do not approve of homosexuality or gay rights. I regard homosexuality as a mental, physical and sexual disorder. It's not something that should be promoted as positive. Some Christians really take on this issue. They do this in spite of being condemned as a homophobe and bigot. Christians pick up the slack on this issue, so White Nationalists really don't have to. If a White Nationalist wants take on this issue, that's fine.

If one is to interpret the bible correctly, they will see that the bible frowns upon interracial marriage. In fact, commandment number 7, "You shall not commit adultery", specifically commands that we not race mix. The word adultery derives from the word adulterate. The word adulterate means, " To make impure by mixing in a foreign or inferior substance". Commandment 10, "You shall not covet your neighbors wife", covers the issue of cheating on your wife, not commandment 7.

Negative Aspects

In a healthy, homogeneous, racially separate White society, Christianity would do more good than harm. However, we do NOT live in a healthy, homogeneous, White society. To varying degrees, most White people in the world live in a multi-racial society. This being the case, mainstream Christianity has been somewhat dangerous. This is due to the general universalistic and egalitarian nature of Christianity. They tend to believe that "we are all equal" and "all people are brothers and sisters". If we are all equal and all brothers and sisters, doesn't it then make it OK to date, marry, adopt and breed with non-whites? Some churches goes as far as to bring non-white people from the third world to come live in White nations, their thinking being that, "this way we can turn them to Christianity". In general, the mainstream Christian churches have gone along with political correctness just a little too much.

I personally don't like the general stand Christians take on euthanasia. They equate euthanasia with murder. After all, everyone's equal. This thinking is misguided at best and evil at worst.

I hope I haven't offended anyone too much on this divisive topic. This issue is too big to ignore and does deserve an honest evaluation.

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Accesari: 1899
Apreciat: hand-up

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