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What is love?

human resources

What is love?

Love is the most overwelming and the most inspeiering feeling of the human.

Love begins most of the time with the creation of the earth and ground distribuited bye the mall adn femele principal. In grek mythology Venus is the sky, the suprem, ower creator of time and space and is the ground, the femele, principal, fertil of the life perpectution.

Love can be of two kid's such as betwen a women and a men and betwen twowomenor two men's . But now love is like the love then a mother has for her child. That is the suprem love. A mother will do everithing for her child. But the love bettwen a man and a women is very beautiful because they will do the same like mother will do for her child.

Love is a dream that most people want to livit.

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