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One Sunday morning afternoon last winter in December, I decided to go with Tom, a friend of mine for a bike ride to Tulcea. It was very cold. The sky was grey but it wasn't snowing. We were cicling along 10310f521k a country lane when we saw some children playing on a frozen pond. They were about nine years old and they were skating.

Suddenly we heard a shout. To our horror one of the boys which was wearing a red tracksuit had fallen through the ice. The ice was thin and it cracked and the boy fell into the water. Luckily the pond wasn't deep, so the boy reached the bottom of the pond with his feet. We immediately rushed over to help but it was too dangerous to walk across the ice. The boy was trying to get out of water and calling for help. My friend and I ran to borrow a ladder from a house not far from the pond. I put the ladder on the ice and crawlwd carefully across it towards the boy. Noe the boy was still calling for help. I caught hold of his hand and finally managed to pull him out of the icy water. Luckily the boy wasn't hurt. He was just very frightened.

His parents turned up about ten minutes later. When they saw him on the bank of the pond soaked with muddy water, they were shocked and very angry with him! I felt a bit sorry for the boy. He had certainly learnt a lesson - the hard was!

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