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A person who won't read has no advantage over one who can't read'


'A person who won't read has no advantage over one who can't read'

In my opinion this sentence is true because there are many people who would do anything to have the possibility to read and some 242i812c people who can read they don't like it and think that they need such a thing.

On the one hand there are lots of people who would want to read. I saw on tv some people so poor that who went to different shows to be helped with money to go to school and learn to read and people who were also blind but still wanted very badly to learn reading.

On the other hand there are also people who don't like reading, don't care that reading can help them very much extending theyr general culture. I met some people who were like that.

I think that people learn to apreciate a thing when they don't have it, in this case the possibility to read.  

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